Keith Hadding's Lounge Discussions

My Name's Kvin

I really want to write and be well know for it. I don't care for fame but I want to reinforce a message to millions of people that its normal to feel like an outcast, and like a loner. I have some really incredible ideas that I feel will spark interest and I can't wait for people to see what I'm working on!

Nick Simons

Hi, Kvin! The bottom line is, we are all alone, we need to learn to become our own best friend. GOOD WISHES,Nick Simons

Keith Hadding

Don't believe it for a second. That's what the world wants you to buy into. Your all alone and if your not special it's all your own fault. Bull. God made us to be together, for fellowship and to comm...

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Keith Hadding

Well I'm sure I won't be publishing any books off of my cell phone, and there's always some arrogant know it all who thinks himself smart enough to throw stones at others as if that will somehow make them look better to others who I am sure could proof and edit any works that would be sold.

Virginia Shine

Yes, you can and always should have other people proof and edit, no one is perfect. People who cannot write, edit :-) Just kidding, stay positive out there

Kvin Worrall

Guy Jaconelli..i misspelled?

Keith Hadding
What is holding you back?

Hi, I have beefed called out of the industry and business world to use my gifts and talents to serve others. To come along side pastors and leaders to help every church disciple every man. Have you thought about how you are going to answer that all important question when you see God face to face. (What have you done with what I have given you?)

Keith Hadding

It's not too late to make end of year donations to the fastest growing and most effective ministry today. We need your help. See

Keith Hadding
I am a friend collector, glad to have you as one of my most valuable, unique and rare collectibles.

Hello friends! I am Keith Hadding the executive director for the Central North Carolina Coalition for Mens Discipleship, as well as the unofficial entertainment director for Harnett county, NC. I am a Husband, Father, Deacon, muscian, and public speaker. Most of all i am a frioend collector and bele...

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