I'm making a documentary that will blow the lid off of racial profiling and the toll it exacts on all of society. We hear about the practice when someone gets killed, like Trayvon Martin. Fact is, it happens every day, everywhere in America. I need people to help find funding and other support for this important project. This is a great opportunity for anyone whose heart has been telling them to do something meaningful for a change. Sure, there's money in finding the next Bunny Hoo Hoo, but helping to get this made will make you feel a heck of a lot better while you're driving your Bentley with the top down on Ocean Avenue in Santa Monica. WHY YOU SHOULD HELP MAKE THIS FILM... The civil rights movement was started by Whites, Blacks, Jews and others. People of all races came together for the common good. Many great things have come out of the civil rights movement -- things that have benefited everyone -- including you. But the work of the civil rights movement is not yet finished. Gay rights, bullying, age discrimination and racial profiling are some of the hot button issues that are all remnants of the civil rights movement that have yet to be fully dealt with. You should help make this film because of a moral obligation to use your contacts and expertise in your field for social good. Keep doing what you're doing to make money, and lots of it, but let's also join together to use the power of media for social change. MY MOTIVATION I've been stopped for "Driving While Black" 5x and once last year for walking down a street and a police officer stops me and says (among other thing) "We're stopping everyone who looks like they are not from this neighborhood." I was detained for more than an hour by him and two other officers who joined him. That incident was in June 2012. I'm a 50-year-old Air Force veteran, never been involved with gangs or crime, I'm easy-going and non-threatening. I don't even speed! But yet, like millions of other Black men in America, I'm harassed by police regularly because of the color of my skin. In fact, 8 out of 10 adult Black men experience racial profiling stops by police. If you don't believe that stat, ask 10 random Black men if they've been stopped by police, not told why, and then let go with no official report or record of the stop. After exhausting legal remedies (there are none), and after hundreds of other people shared similar stories with me after reading the article I wrote, I decided to make a documentary about the topic and how it impacts all of society. There's lost productivity, it creates an unsafe situation for innocent victims and police officers, there's the financial toll (I'm out several hundred dollars from legal fees for one recent incident where I received a bogus ticket and the case was thrown out but I wasn't reimbursed my money), emotional toll and more. There are people in jail right now on false charges because of racial profiling. People have been killed or brutally beaten as a result of this practice. That is simply unacceptable. INJUSTICE FOR ONE IS INJUSTICE FOR ALL At the heart of this documentary is this: Do we allow a minority of bad cops working within a broken system to ignore the constitution and continue this practice? And at what price? If we do, at some point other groups will find themselves targets of similar discriminatory practices by police. Everyone is at risk for having their constitutional rights stripped away at the discretion of a bad cop with a gun. We have a very strong plan for grass roots and social media marketing, we have some great people on our team and we have a topic that is timely and heavily socially engaging. Do you want to help save lives, help protect the constitution and help to protect the basic rights we all enjoy, like the ability for any of us to take a walk without having to show papers and prove that we are not criminals? Join me in making a film that you will feel good about and that will benefit generations of people you love and care about. At the end of the day, this film will demonstrate that we are all... Walking While Black. See more at www.gofundme.com/walkingwhileblack or www.walkingwhileblackthemovie.com.
You're doing great. I would be curious what you think of this blog article I wrote about one way to reduce minority deaths at the hands of Police Officers. https://alexlogic.blogspot.com/2018/04/outla...
Expand commentYou're doing great. I would be curious what you think of this blog article I wrote about one way to reduce minority deaths at the hands of Police Officers. https://alexlogic.blogspot.com/2018/04/outlaw-all-black-colored-guns-and...