Michael Morris's Lounge Discussions

New Project

Hi Guys and Girls, My team and i have a project in post production. If any one fancies a look have posted the Facebook page link below. It's a feature called MERCS. Please feel free to give us a little look and a like would be magic. This is not an advertisement or a plee for funding, just one filmm...

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Hi One and all, I'm a newbie to Stage32, but loving the look of what is going on on here, please feel free to add me Nick www.nickorchard.com

Michael Morris

Hi Mr Orchard fancy seeing you here :-) thanks for the invite ;-)

Nick Orchard

Hello Sir, yes small world :)

Richard Gustason

Umm...like...hey. LOL

Nick Orchard

Hi Richard, thanks for dropping by to say Hi :)

Nick Orchard

Hi Kathryn, thanks for the welcome :)

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