Asked for comment on my work from a stage32 member and I got this,is it rude or only I thought so ? What do you make out ? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''...
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Incredibly rude, condescending and unprofessional and I wonder if the writer meant to help you or if he's just a bully, but consider the source and maybe learn from it. He's trying to tell you in his...
Expand commentIncredibly rude, condescending and unprofessional and I wonder if the writer meant to help you or if he's just a bully, but consider the source and maybe learn from it. He's trying to tell you in his own unsophisticated way that you need to work on your project a little more. I'd read the letter and then like a letter to "Dear Abby" chuck it and work to improve your product. In my opinion, no movie or TV script is ever "finished" and there is always room for improvement. Good luck.
Could have been nicer about it, but is probably valid. As someone who has seen a lot of lousy audition footage when casting, and read a lot of lousy scripts as a reader and consultant, I do sometimes...
Expand commentCould have been nicer about it, but is probably valid. As someone who has seen a lot of lousy audition footage when casting, and read a lot of lousy scripts as a reader and consultant, I do sometimes find myself wanting to respond to requests for feedback with phrases like "This sucks" and "You have no idea what you're doing." One can only take so much lousiness without becoming exasperated by it, but that type of response is neither nice nor constructive, and I try to be both. So I avoid putting things across in such a negative manner, and simply tell them what works and what doesn't. I'm not condoning that person's temperament, only explaining one possibility for it. I suggest you take the advice for what it is and not respond, as someone that vitriolic is unlikely to make an attitude adjustment.
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He definitely could use some communication skills in terms of criticism. Wow! For that kind of comment all of his work better be top notch award winning material. Anyway, maybe your sound was a little...
Expand commentHe definitely could use some communication skills in terms of criticism. Wow! For that kind of comment all of his work better be top notch award winning material. Anyway, maybe your sound was a little off. No biggie, learn from it and make your next project better. At least you attempted something a lot of people talk about and never do. Which is, complete a project. Good luck with your endeavors!
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It does sound rude, but I'm afraid in this industry you will hear far worse. The people in this industry are very busy people, when they take the time out to watch or read a piece of work they are hop...
Expand commentIt does sound rude, but I'm afraid in this industry you will hear far worse. The people in this industry are very busy people, when they take the time out to watch or read a piece of work they are hoping that they are going to enjoy it. The trouble is they are often presented with tons of work (I'm not saying yours falls into this category) which is not ready for sharing. I would consider yourself lucky the director bothered to give you feedback. In this industry you cannot please everyone, but if you receive feedback which tells you that areas of your work are poor or not working, then as a professional you should address these areas. What you should do is think about which type of audience you are appealing to? Your show reel to me appeared to be appropriate for children's TV. If you are looking for work as a TV presenter or storyteller for children's TV do your homework, find out who makes these type of programs; make sure your sketch is the best it can be and geared towards the audience you are aiming for; title it accordingly; post it on the S32 forum and ask for feedback; once you have perfected it, following the lessons you have received via your S32 critiques send it to the relevant producers/agents/directors. Good luck. Dmarie. www.turnanewpagecom
Thank you all for your wonderful comments, I do agree my audio was not good and my new reel is healed now.