Jayson Stewart's Lounge Discussions

Behzad Farahat
Rudeness or just a Comment ?

Asked for comment on my work from a stage32 member and I got this,is it rude or only I thought so ? What do you make out ? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''...

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Richard Welch

Incredibly rude, condescending and unprofessional and I wonder if the writer meant to help you or if he's just a bully, but consider the source and maybe learn from it. He's trying to tell you in his...

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Andy Golub

Could have been nicer about it, but is probably valid. As someone who has seen a lot of lousy audition footage when casting, and read a lot of lousy scripts as a reader and consultant, I do sometimes...

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Tiffy Diamond

He definitely could use some communication skills in terms of criticism. Wow! For that kind of comment all of his work better be top notch award winning material. Anyway, maybe your sound was a little...

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Donna - Marie

It does sound rude, but I'm afraid in this industry you will hear far worse. The people in this industry are very busy people, when they take the time out to watch or read a piece of work they are hop...

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Behzad Farahat

Thank you all for your wonderful comments, I do agree my audio was not good and my new reel is healed now.

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