James Meehan's Lounge Discussions

James Meehan
Let's get together and create!

Hi all! I've escaped to Denver after 12 years in the LA Entertainment Industry! Hurrah! Extensive training, acting and singing work, on stage and on camera, directing and coaching over several decades. Now specializing in solo-to-camera work, seeking local, national and international collaborators f...

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Emi Sano
Got a job via Stage 32

I applied for a script supervisor position here on Stage 32 and within a couple weeks had interviewed and found out I got the position! So very excited for this opportunity. I'm grateful for the Stage 32 family, since I've had no luck from other sites. I can't wait to start production this summer!

Dorothy Jackson

Congratulations! Well on your way!

Shawn Speake

Congrats, Emi!

Stage 32 Staff - Julie

Emily - that's awesome! What's the film about?

Frank D'Angeli (aka Douglas Wentworth)


Maro Market

Congrat! Emi

James Meehan
Desperately seeking scripts!!

I have access to a superb little theater venue in the Agoura Hills area (covering West Valley, Westlake, Moorpark, Thousand Oaks etc.) and I'm looking for new and unpublished plays to present to an eager, hungry local community. Anything from one-acts to full length plays, we want to become THE plac...

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Cynthia Garbutt

Hi James. Totally understand about the lack of male actors issue. The amateur group I'm with has the same problem. We had a guy that backed out on the day before the performance. I have a play has one man, but can be replaced with a woman, if interested connect with me.

Ann McDowell

James, did you find a play? If not, here's some info about my play NARROW HALLWAYS. NARROW HALLWAYS A full length play with no intermission but there’s a point one can be easily inserted One set: livi...

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LindaAnn Loschiavo

Hmm, this was posted several months ago -- and then James Meehan stopped posting. I'm guessing this went into the void.

Brenda Iovino

James, hello please visit my site: http://dreamartsproductions.com/what-have-we-done.html 'Talk to the Hand', 'Come Again' and 'That Irish Thing' are ready to be staged. 'Talk to the Hand' will gets i...

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Ruth K Brown

My name is Ruth K Brown and I am proud to say I am the President of Aim for Applause, www.aimforapplause.com As a short introduction to me, I am an award-winning actor and director having started in m...

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