Jaymes Leveque's Lounge Discussions

Mitchell Joe
Mitchell Joe

Hi, I'm Mitchell. An 18 year old actor who has so far only worked in classes but gained valuable knowledge along the way. A huge Hollywood film will be coming to my area soon and I hope to land any job with that movie as possible. L.A comes to me and I can't let a chance like that slip. Feel free to network with me!

Jaymes Leveque


Mitchell Joe

Thanks Jaymes, you too man

Richard "RB" Botto

You certainly have the right approach and spirit, Mitchell. Wishing you nothing but the best.

Mitchell Joe

Thank you Richard!

Richard "RB" Botto

My pleasure, my friend. And please, call me RB!

Jaymes Leveque
Acting Is My Escape

I have been acting a fool my whole life. Its pretty cool to see how all the experiences that we have experienced in our life can help us become better at our craft. #life

Alyn Darnay
Acting Is A Fluid Thing...

The art of acting is a fluid thing, ever changing with the times and style that enter and leave the vogue of the moment. As an actor it’s your job to ride within the ebb and flow of what’s trending, to stay on top of the method or approach that allows you to fulfill any acting challenge being presen...

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Elbert Hill Jr

Hello Alyn.I must say that the statement made by you has deep content;on the subject matter of acting.I recently had to portray a character role of a wino in the movie Joe.I had to transform myself in...

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Alyn Darnay

So glad you found your way to the character Elbert. Very rewarding when that happens. Having played dunks, winos and duggies many times, I know how hard it is to get into that mindset. Congrats on the role, look forward to seeing it.

Alla Andersen

Great job ! Thk

Burak Kanar

You're very right, Alyn. Unfortunately the sector is flooded with those one-sided, stereotypical model/actors, particularly on action series on TV. I hope there'll be improvements in the future. Cheers!

Jaymes Leveque

Great post.

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