Thank you so much Karen for your invite, its greatly appreciated.
Thanks much. Best of luck with everything. Scott If you do the social media thing, please follow my film on Facebook - and me on twitter - https://...
Expand commentThanks much. Best of luck with everything. Scott If you do the social media thing, please follow my film on Facebook - and me on twitter -
Thanks much. Best of luck with everything. Scott If you do the social media thing, please follow my film on Facebook - and me on twitter - https://...
Expand commentThanks much. Best of luck with everything. Scott If you do the social media thing, please follow my film on Facebook - and me on twitter -
My pleasure Tamara. Thanks for connecting.
That's great! You should check out my short on YouTube. 'Angel's Ashes'
Thanks for the add. If the stars aline this year my project will behind production. Hoping to film in Wisconsin.
Hi Tamara, great to meet you ! That is wonderful to hear that your project is well under way ! Wisconsin would be a nice place to film your movie. Best of luck to you in 2014 :-)
You're welcome. Nice to meet you
Thanks for accepting my request. i hope we work on something in the future. :)
Thank would be great. You're expertise would have been appreciated because my first feature is an action/romance film.