24 years fiction and non-fiction writing, ultimate fan of the Roadrunner cartoons, wrote a live-action (non-animated) darkish screenplay about the eventual fate of Wile E. Coyote and the Roadrunner,, long after their cartoon series ended. Go to to see latest version. Reviews available on Amazon (3.7 out of 5 rating, would have been over 4 if it were not for a single disgruntled and disgraced Amazon screenplay troller), look under: "The Last Friends of Willie Coyote" in book section to view comments/reviews. IMDb member since 2012.
Veteran, E-1 to 03, Vietnam, Army/Navy
A lot of school
Collector of unusual and valuable coins and artifacts
fair/not arrogant street deputy sheriff career (ret)
Builder of weird and dangerous machines
Could use an agent
Father of one grown son
Interested in seeing a live-action movie about Wile E. Coyote and The Roadrunner (does not have to be mine)
Unlucky in love
Collector and hunter of Treasures
Known to frequent the Philippines from time to time
Lived on and modified a big boat in a marina in Texas for 8 years
Wrote the script you can read on "Stephen's Links" at the left or here under "Loglines"
Finally figured out the difference between "its" and "it's"
Most recent and corrected version of script on The Blacklist under "The Last Friends of Wile E. Coyote"
Favorite movies "The Treasure of Sierra Madre", "The Maltese Falcon", "Dead Man", MST3000, "Sunset Blvd"
Unique traits: Ultimate fan of Wile E. Coyote and The Roadrunner, check out "Stephen's Links" at the left for more information about the somewhat dark live action PG-13+/PG-17 (non-animated) screenplay about their eventual fate, long after the cartoon series ended. Take a look at my link at the left for the script's website. I even built a few props for the movie. The Latest version is on my no-ad, no pop-up virus-free website or on Blacklist.
THE LAST FRIENDS OF WILE E. COYOTE Budget: $30M+ | Fantasy A group of friends stumbles across a classified military base and discover that WILLIE COYOTE and THE ROADRUNNER are very real.
The Last Friends of Willie Coyote
Modern (2012)
American Southwest
Action & Adventure, Action Comedy, Comic Book & Super Heroes
A group of friends stumbles across a classified military base and discover that WILLIE COYOTE and THE ROADRUNNER are very real.
“The Last Friends of Wile E. Coyote” is an entertaining and imaginative subversion of classic cartoon tropes. The plot gets too convoluted and puzzling, but this is a creative and funny world, and we are always along for the ride. The early parts of the script are hilarious for the way they bring the classic over-the-top hijinks of Coyote trying to catch The Roadrunner with a series of elaborate schemes to life as humans watch with pointed, deadpan commentary. The script has a firm grasp on the manic energy and cunning of Coyote and the dynamic of his conflict with The Roadrunner. We don’t need a story this complicated when we have these two central icons fully realized here. Though fans may consider it blasphemous, both for the talking and the shift in their relationship, the scene where Coyote tells The Roadrunner that he’s sorry for everything they’ve done and he now realizes their friendship is curiously affecting.
The plot is needlessly convoluted and complicated, at the risk of losing and alienating the audience. Part of the appeal of the old Coyote and Roadrunner cartoons was the simplicity of it all. Coyote’s schemes and devices could be hilariously elaborate, but the premise was very basic. It might be a challenge to stretch this dynamic out to feature length, but the way this story plays out, with a very complicated backstory to the coyote civilization going back a million years, military intervention, and Native American mythology is confusing and soon gets away from the central appeal. The ancestor ghost warriors feel like part of a different movie. Allen, Vaughn, and Ella are endearing enough, but many of the other human characters don’t fare as well, bringing unwanted complication and darkness. Mr. Badde is particularly unpleasant, especially when we have to watch his parents screaming as they burn to death.
"The Last Friends of Wile E. Coyote" is funny and inventive, but it has a very difficult path to film. Obviously the participation of Warner Brothers would be required, and it's hard to see them putting their iconic Looney Tunes in such a dark and sometimes disturbing story. The death, language, and seduction push an R-rating and come off as less family friendly than the cartoons. Seeing Coyote talk and warm up to The Roadrunner may also be anathema. There is a lot to enjoy here and it might work as a writing sample, but the chances of this spec actually being produced are slim.
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in top 10 conversions to live-action from animation (Nellis))
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