Nice to meet you, Malcolm.
Hi there beautiful its a great honor hope all is well hun!
Atlanta is okay. Been here forever.
It sounds like Atlanta's filming network is growing! I hope Greenville catches up :) Are you working on any projects currently?
Not at the moment. I started a new day job a little over a year ago and that has killed a lot of my work.
Likewise Bobby, hope to work with you in the future.
Hey Bobby! Thanks for connecting with me as well. I wish all the best. Please be sure to check out my music on my website:
Nice to meet you too
Hey Bobby - my pleasure! Scriptwriting and comic books? Looks like there's alot to discuss! Best and cheers, --Janet Clarke
Expand commentHey Bobby - my pleasure! Scriptwriting and comic books? Looks like there's alot to discuss! Best and cheers, --Janet Clarke
Been adding to my voice sampler for you guys to hear my growing array of characters and voice abilities. Check me out at and give me some feedback, think of me f...
Expand commentBeen adding to my voice sampler for you guys to hear my growing array of characters and voice abilities. Check me out at and give me some feedback, think of me for some of your upcoming projects you need voices for, and lets connect! I record in my own facility and will send all raw files in mp3, or wav, I'm ready to work!
nice to meet you too, check out my reel sometime, if you ever need a director I'm here.
Thanks, man.