Evette Betancourt's Lounge Discussions

Jennifer Giacalone
Favorite and Least Favorite Tropes?

I was watching Dune this weekend, along with the rest of the world, and thinking about how burned out many of us are on the white savior trope ... the second half of Dune, if it gets made, will be about deconstructing that, which is sort of interesting. But I started thinking a bit about some of the...

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Stefano Pavone

I'll keep it short.

- 2nd Act Breakup

- Heroic Sacrifice

- Young Love/Romance

- Prophecy

- Deus Ex Machina

- Diabolus Ex Machina

I told you I'd keep it short.

Maurice Vaughan

A trope I don't like: a majority of students bullying a kid.

Karen "Kay" Ross

I would agree with you, @Maurice - I can see stealth one-on-one bullying, but not group bullying.

Maurice Vaughan

I remember seeing a movie where all the students (or almost everyone) bullied a student, Kay.

Richard Buzzell

If you're into tired, stale, worn-out tropes, you'll love the new Netflix sitcom, "Pretty Stupid". If they've missed a sitcom trope, I'm not sure what it might be.


Hello! I'm Sydney and I'm 22 years old. I am currently about to graduate from University of Oregon with a BA in Cinema Studies in June. I am very excited to finally have a degree under my belt, but I have no outside experience beside school in cinema. I want to move to Portland, OR or Seattle, WA fo...

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Cody Andrew Whealy

Hi Sydney, I recommend moving to LA. Portland and Seattle have indie scenes, but you won't find an "industry." I currently live in Seattle, and any film work you find will be for no budget films and a...

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Doug Nelson

Hi Sydney - I'm just up the road a bit from you. Glance at my profile; if there's anything I can do for you, just let me know.

Jean Buschmann

Hi Sydney, First off congratulations for setting a goal and seeing it through! I have a practical and fun suggestion for you, to avoid that dreaded catch-22, wherein no one will hire you without exper...

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Evette Betancourt

Atlanta, GA assuming the production ban doesn't continue

Evette Betancourt
Gemini Pictures.net

Hi Everyone, my name is Evette and I'm a Screenwriter and Producer. I also have Location Management experience. I graduated Chapman University Film School and have a Print Agent and Talent Manager. I'm looking to collaborate with professionals who have a taste for action and horror films. Please add...

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Joanne Bentley

Hi Evette - great to 'meet' you. We'd be happy to include you in our network, and would definitely embrace the opportunity to collaborate with you. Have a fabulous weekend, Joanne

Lawrence Q. Griffin
Screen Writing

Hello Everybody, I Need Some Advice. Im Currently Writing My First Movie Script, I Need To Know How Do I Go About Writing It? Im A Videographer Trying To Create My First Movie

Joshua Hawks

Robert, I believe you mean 'Your Screenplay Sucks! 100 Ways to Make It Great' by William M. Akers. Great book, especially for rewrites.

JD Hartman

Why not shortcut and skip all the B.S. and collaborate with one of the tens of thousands of screenwriters who have scrips that will likely never see the light of day> This will allow you to concentrat...

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Lawrence Q. Griffin

well im almost finished with the ruff draft of my 1st script im writing, i already know i will have to rewrite it after im finished, but i love it so far, i love where its going, but thanx everybody for the advice

Evette Betancourt

I recommend a more formal route. Taking classes and watching webinars. Depending on your location you can take some courses at a Jr. college. Good luck

Lawrence Q. Griffin


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