I was watching Dune this weekend, along with the rest of the world, and thinking about how burned out many of us are on the white savior trope ... the second half of Dune, if it gets made, will be about deconstructing that, which is sort of interesting. But I started thinking a bit about some of the tropes I love and hate and thought that might be a fun question to put out to the gen pop.
Tropes I'm Over: Manic Pixie Dream Girl, White Savior, Gay Best Friend (specifically the gay dude who takes the gal pal shopping and is very sassy)
Tropes I'll Never Get Over: Lovers on Opposite Sides of a War, Sibling vs Sibling, the Glorious Dumbass (hero or heroine who does things the worst way possible, but is kind of hilarious -- Ava Silva in Warrior Nun, Chris Pratt's Starlord, Wynonna Earp)
How about you? Please share! I'm curious.
I'll keep it short.
- 2nd Act Breakup
- Heroic Sacrifice
- Young Love/Romance
- Prophecy
- Deus Ex Machina
- Diabolus Ex Machina
I told you I'd keep it short.
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A trope I don't like: a majority of students bullying a kid.
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I would agree with you, @Maurice - I can see stealth one-on-one bullying, but not group bullying.
I remember seeing a movie where all the students (or almost everyone) bullied a student, Kay.
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If you're into tired, stale, worn-out tropes, you'll love the new Netflix sitcom, "Pretty Stupid". If they've missed a sitcom trope, I'm not sure what it might be.