I have been a writer for most of my life. Mostly as a sportswriter and novelist.
Recently I have been writing screenplays. There is now serious interest from Koda Tribe Entertainment and Weta Workshop to produce my scripts. Several readers and reviews have claimed that my novel, "The Nostradamus Mission", would make a great movie. The novel is presently being sold worldwide on .
Unique traits: My film project, "The Nostradamus Mission," is being developed for a film trilogy. Weta Workshop will produce the film with Zach Thomson Directing. Robert C. Rockefeller will also be involved as a Producer. Funding is underway. Any interested parties can contact me.
The Nostradamus Mission Thriller A personal look at the actual life of Nostradamus and his son Ceasar reveals that a French modern day scientist is his direct descendant seed,with the power to bring closure to the Nostradamus legacy while saving the world from destruction.
The Nostradamus Mission
Book Trailer
The Nostradamus Mission
by Novel
Daniel Berghoff and Jad Mhana
Seton Hall University