At the end of August 2016, the Federal Aviation Administration promulgated final rules regarding use of small unmanned aircraft in the U.S. National Airspace System. This clarified what can and cannot legally be done with sUAS (small unmanned aircraft systems) in the United States. Of interest to film producers is the creation of a commercial sUAS pilot's license, making it much simpler and more straightforward to incorporate drone cinematography into (especially) independent film...
I think this image of two cones in a multicolored universe is rather pretty.
This sphere actually appears to be tumbling.
Another computer-generated spherical aberration.
This is a bit of computer-generated animation -- just for fun.
The ghost of a Calusa Indian mystic leads Bonnie and Ronnie to a cache of silver, which they use to start a nature preserve and save their favorite picnic grove from developers.
This is a video the Bike Shop TV crew put together so we'd have something to work with as we built the website.
This is a silent logo I created using CGI. Typically, I stick it at the beginning of other productions, backing it with the audio introduction for the rest of the production.
This is a 30-sec spot I created for a Doritos commercial contest. It uses multi-level green screen, CGI, and live action combined.