A.M. Day

A.M. Day

Author and Screenwriter

Baraboo, Wisconsin

Member Since:
March 2014
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About A.M.

A.M. Day is an American writer and former freelance journalist, living in Wisconsin with her children and their dog Simi. She grew up in the Windy City, where she first tasted the zest for writing and directing as a young girl after her sister took her in to work one day and she saw a transforming performance of A Christmas Carol at the downtown Chicago Goodman Theatre.

Though her journey has been long and winding to write, no matter what was going on, writing has always come back to her full circle. A.M. Day finally put a stop to anything that had nothing to do with her dreams of becoming a writer, and so, she wrote...and wrote...and wrote. The Throne of Olympus Book One: Blood Bond is A.M. Day's debut novel for this modern-day twist Greek Myth/Urban Fantasy/Paranormal series.

She is also creator and hostess of Cover Host, a blog site to promote indie authors' books by showcasing the covers for free, extra exposure.

A.M. is currently working on her follow up to TOO novel series, a YA spin-off series featuring the teens of TOO and feverishly crafting two original Cable/TV series. She is sure to finish the above tasks or be locked away in the fictional worlds of her mind.

Unique traits: Creativity, writing, ever growing PATIENCE, research.



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