Pre-order "Apex" now! Out June 2nd 10 years of UNLEASH THE ARCHERS! These heavy metal heroes are celebrating this honour with an ...
Filming in the Lillooet region of British Columbia is an amazing experience, particularly when the surroundings are as stunning as these. The Production crew of Means of Production ( started the shooting-day with us being polite...but, maybe a bit "cool". Having been in the business as long as they have, they've...
January 22nd, 2008 - a bitterly cold day in south Langley at the exterior set of Clark Kent's family farm. 'Thorn' had never performed in front of cameras before, and I admit to having felt no small measure of butterflies - made all the more intense for having been informed that morning "If we don't get this shot of him flying into the barn, we've got no episode". Ulp...! Even so, I knew my boy - trusted in the intense but patient preparation he and I had undertaken for the two days...
While working on "Aloft" in Winnipeg in the winter of 2013, we were contacted by James Winterstern (HJW Films), one of the assistant directors to NBC's "Siberia" series. James had a story-thread he wanted to explore - the discovery of a trapped bird-of-prey being rescued by the protagonists. As the script supervisors were Russian, they'd kept everything very accurate - right down to the Cyrillic signage. As such, it was an imperative that even a non-human character be contextually...
This beautiful testimonial comes from our good friend Richard Olak, Director of "The Battle of Burgledorf".