Meg Gable

Meg Gable


Los Angeles, California

Member Since:
April 2014
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About Meg

Meg Gable (Megan Gabel)
American actress/model, born in Indiana has been entertaining friends, family and strangers with her humor, charm and quick wit from a very early age. Attended various universities and has a degree in Recording Engineering and Audio Production. She came to Los Angeles to pursue studio work in audio production, which led her to working in films behind the camera. Her behind work included doing various jobs ranging from production PA, art department PA, AD, casting director, script supervisor and co-writer.

She fell into working in front of the camera when the director (Riley Wood) of her first PA job ( Good Guys Finish Last 2009) asked if she would be comfortable saying a couple of lines in the film, which were later cut on the editing floor. From that, the acting passion was again ignited and modeling for various print and skincare lines started.

Ms. Gable, has appeared/stared in several films some of which include:
Memoir of a Perfect Woman (2014)
The Happening (2014)
T + E (2013)
Choices (2012)
Hunting for Women (2012)
Cookie Dough (2011)
First Dog (2010)
Ben & Jake's Next Big Deal (2010)
I`je (2010)
Bad Dinner (2010)
Lost (2009)
Good Guys Finish Last (2009)

Ms. Gable's current film project "321 Days" was written and being directed by Ms. Kathy Payton, co-founder of Midnightchair Productions and is slated to start filming in mid April 2014.



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