Writers block = Major Head ache does anyone have tips to overcome this?
Writers block = Major Head ache does anyone have tips to overcome this?
Back when I used to live in Wilmington, NC I was part of a writers group and it was a great asset to my writing. If any fellow Little Rockians want to form a group shoot me a message. How it works is we just meet every week and exchange work, read it and then the next meeting we critique the scenes...
Expand postBack when I used to live in Wilmington, NC I was part of a writers group and it was a great asset to my writing. If any fellow Little Rockians want to form a group shoot me a message. How it works is we just meet every week and exchange work, read it and then the next meeting we critique the scenes or whatever. Its great fun and helps a lot. Shoot me a message it interested.
Hello, looking for crew for a lo/no budget thriller/suspense near Richland NC. If interested please contact Chris Maney at: chrismaneyproductions@gmail.com thanks so much
You should contact the Wilmington Film Commission, Wilmington is only about an hour away. [www.wilmingtonfilm.com/][1] I used to live there, just contact them and tell them you need a crew. Also post...
Expand commentYou should contact the Wilmington Film Commission, Wilmington is only about an hour away. [www.wilmingtonfilm.com/][1] I used to live there, just contact them and tell them you need a crew. Also post on mandy.com as well, I know when I was in NC I would check that site everyday. [1]: http://www.wilmingtonfilm.com/
Wonderful, I will tell the director that, thank you so much.
Thank you, I will tell him to look there too, thanks! :D
Aha again thank you everyone . Im still working on trying them all out . Thanks for the couple funny comments on here it made my night
i'm going thru the same thing...i try to write each day but some days are better than others....walk away from it, watch a movie, get involved in other things but keep a pen/paper handy (old school i know) never know when a good idea will suddenly hit you
Soldier through! Not working on something because we are "blocked" is a recipe for procrastination. Stephen Pressfield in his great book "The War of Art" writes, The amateur, underestimating Resistanc...
Expand commentSoldier through! Not working on something because we are "blocked" is a recipe for procrastination. Stephen Pressfield in his great book "The War of Art" writes, The amateur, underestimating Resistance's cunning, permits the flu to keep him from chapters; he believes the serpent's voice in his head that says mailing off the manuscript is more important than doing the day's work. The professional has learned better. He respected Resistance. He knows that if he caves in today, no matter how plausible the pretext, he'll be twice likely to cave in tomorrow. The professional knows that Resistance is like a telemarketer; if you so much as say hello, you're finished. The pro doesn't even pick up the phone. He stays at work."
My favorite cure for writer's block is a great idea. Without a mind-warping idea, you either settle for second best or end up dead in the water. When an idea really grabs you by the short hairs, you can't quit. For me, the pleasure of writing comes when I can't wait to get back to it.
When I get writer's block, I do three things: I clean, I take a walk or I write some more. I find these three activities help clear my mind. If you're struggling with writer's block more often than yo...
Expand commentWhen I get writer's block, I do three things: I clean, I take a walk or I write some more. I find these three activities help clear my mind. If you're struggling with writer's block more often than you want to, you should check out this blog: http://www.writeyourscreenplay.com/category/writers-block/. There's lot of articles on writer's block and other screenwriting concerns. Good luck!