I noticed that there is nobody really saying anything new or that they cannot get their short story made into a movie, or "YES ! I can write movies". Sounds motivating ? F no. I see no creativity now. I pretty much haven't seen anything original ( OK. 3 ), Exciting enough ( a lot of explosions ) ( Whoopee ! ), or can we have another stupid Romance/ Comedy ? No.... again, NO.... I have my own team almost complete; Production Personnel, Special Effects, Camera Crew, Talent ( that I am blessed to have LOI's, NDA's with), Sound Crew, Projectus, Marketing Plan , Character Breakdown, Etc. OH, and of course a complete script for a horror movie format that, so far, I have not received any bad criticism for yet. I have not and will never say " It is good because I wrote it" . I have wrote 160,000 words for this particular Horror story and I am not done. Each part is at the normal content or page size, necessary for a feature film with a believable transition to the next Part ( not sequel ). This project has grown in size with viable content that has, at my guess, a TV series of approximately 62 - 1 hour episodes for The F.B. Trilogy. I write down everything that comes to my warped and twist mind, even when it is a comedy or even a family type, Disney type of content for entertainment. My boost of creativity is still peaking at 3 to 8 new story ideas a week. I wish I had it 20 years ago. I really appreciate the prompt assistance from Joey and his patience with me in pitching to people that can put anybody on the field of being immortalized in film, whether in front of the camera or behind the camera. I have a vision for my horror project that will make all humans to never trust another human ever again. I believe that it will save the lives of the people that should not be a victim of the violence that I see with an everyday reminder on the news. And now for my second paragraph. My attitude is defined by no one. I am a non-conformant, as told by my Mother. I love it. When somebody tells me that, "You are out of your mind !", "You are a sick and twisted individual !".... I say, " Thank You". 50 % of people will agree with me and 50 % won't agree with me. So who cares. Really ? Nobody will come close to what I am told that I have created. So far, the record for somebody to accept my F.B. script and to be a part of it is by the 17th page. If I do not have acceptance for my style of movie pitching from anybody. They will just have to buy a ticket like anybody else. I am confident with my skill of writing and that I will make a cult classic following that will build a fan base worldwide with all ages with the eagerness to find out what will follow next. I only write my scripts in shooting script format. A written script is too boring. I want a director to use their expertise to follow and match my vision exactly for this story, so as to elevate the value of all that are involved in The F.B. Films creation. Yes, I said it. If nobody can work with me to match my vision, I will do it myself. Everybody starts as a nothing. A nobody. Confidence, Determination and Devotion defines ourselves as who we are. Nothing is made without it being created first. Has anybody got a response of," That is the best script that I have read in 20 years ?". No you have not. I have heard that 8 times so far. I need a viable investor that will assist in The F.B. Project for I have special effects that only the green screen can produce for F.B.. This is not a Slasher movie or a spot shocker (say BOO! ). I can induce all of the human senses in my descriptions and action detail in written form alone. I know that the craziest ideas are the most successful creations made. Example : Alice in Wonderland. That guy was on acid when he wrote that. I don't need drugs to write or care to do so either. I am passionate in what I do. When I say something. I do it. If I can't do it. I'll tell you that at the beginning. I'm not perfect and I don't know everything. I am just human.
I will be at the rainbow room on Sunset on Saturday discussing a few things with my line producer. Will you be in the area? Alle ?
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I write it like want people to see me. I wanted a reaction. I got some now. Most people who are in this site are not interesting to me. The people that have answered me for the introduction are putting in their 2 bits. That's what I wanted.
Still looking for this Lounge post...
Write : Erik Eichler. In the search engine
I wrote my introduction for a reaction since most people on this site are boring and destined for nothing. I like reaction. I am okay with you to read the first five pages. u4iaproductionsllc@yahoo.co...
Expand commentI wrote my introduction for a reaction since most people on this site are boring and destined for nothing. I like reaction. I am okay with you to read the first five pages. u4iaproductionsllc@yahoo.com I will send you my NDA, synopsis and the first five pages of my script. Thanks, Erik