Jeff Kraus's Lounge Discussions

Jeff Kraus

Hello. It's been awhile since I've been on the site. I have a new inquiry. I am planning on copyright protecting my screenplay. When I copyright protect it, will it cover any future changes that I make after applying the copyright? Or does it only cover the one draft, thus not protecting such revisions?

Jeff Kraus

@Kerry Douglas Dye I understand where you're coming from. I ask this question because over the last couple of years, I have written 10 drafts. The story is essentially the same, but I've altered signi...

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Jeff Kraus

@D Marcus I am not a WGA. However, I plan on joining. Copyright first.

Ingrid Abrams

The US copyright office, allows you to put your new work , such as a script that is being attached to a copyrighted treatment, basically in the same "copyrighted" package. When you are in the menu for...

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Brian Shell

Having spoken with IP attorneys about this, they said that it is "the execution of your concept" (not the concept itself) that the copyright protects... and that qualitative AND quantitative proof mus...

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Brian Shell

One more thing about a provable paper-trail should you sue: this is what cloud-storage of emails is all about. I have a client who tends to clean (i.e. delete) a lot of our old email correspondence......

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Jeff Kraus
Jeff Kraus aka Jd

Hello. My name is Jeff Kraus or as some call me JD. I am a student wrapping up my undergrad and I'm also an award-winning published author, 3D animator, and videographer. I plan to shift gears into screenwriting and possibly directing for films. Movies are my passion and I enjoy watching them as muc...

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Jeff Kraus
Does Hollywood accept scripts from writers out of state?

I currently live in the Midwest and I am working on multiple story ideas. I am polishing one script right now and I am on my way to write 3 more. Must I move to LA to even get considered as a paid screenwriter, or can I work from home?

Diane Hanks

@Kevin, thanks for the link! Although I'm sure Sorkin's writers' room is unique. I wonder if they have a test for how fast you can write a brilliant two-page monologue? Answer - not as fast as Sorkin....

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Kevin Fukunaga

@Mitchell - Yes, agreed, being good in a writers' room isn't necessarily just about being likable, but being collaborative and respectful. If you're pleasant and easy to get along with, that's a plus too. @Diane - re: the writers' room being like a dysfunctional family.... hahaha

Cherie Grant

this is the topic that gets me depressed the most. there's nothing of an industry in austalia and really the same shit gets made over and over again by the same people. and of course it's the shit I d...

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Mark Sanderson

" same shit gets made over and over again by the same people. " - HA, sounds like Hollywood!

Adonis Muronzi
After the writing

So I have eventually wrote my very first script for a feature film. I've done Theater productions and local stuff and this is my first venture into film. What comes next? I have a potential sponsor and a film production company willing to look at my work. But before I send it in I have a few questio...

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D Marcus

Lina, look up "poorman's copyright". That is the method you were told is the best and most inexpensive way to copyright. It will not hold up in court. It's too easy to fake. Registering the copyright...

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D Marcus

Chain of title has nothing to do with sharing with your very best friends. Diary entries, skype chat or emails are not what studios are looking for. A simple, inexpensive copyright registration is wha...

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D Marcus

But chain of title starts somewhere. You clearly think registering the copyright is not only not needed, it's something for writers to avoid. You continuously use WAG as an example. I don't know what...

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Cherie Grant

there seems to be a lot of crossed wires when this argument comes up. one person says one thing and they think it means something else and won't concede and it goes on. if people actually stopped and...

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Cherie Grant

jesus I didn't mean you marcus. read my first sentence.

Jeff Kraus
Movie Treatments

Hello. I'm working on a treatment for my screenplay. Curious, how detailed should a treatment be? So far, I am paraphrasing all the events (every scene), describing all the actions that the characters carry out as well as the plot line. Ultimately, what I am trying to succeed at is crafting an effec...

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James Breckenridge

Yes, a Treatment is essentially a short story and can be from just a few pages to 60 pages or more. The average treatment works out to about 25 - 30 pages in length. The point here is to do whatever i...

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Cherie Grant

I don't know that people want to read a thirty page treatment. i've seen four page ones that covered the story nicely. if you're condensing your story it should be under ten pages. I wouldn't go past five to be honest. you don't have to explain every scene. you can condense them too.

Jeff Kraus

Thanks for the feedback folks. This is my second treatment. The first one I wrote, included the log line, synopsis, character notes, and then the actual story outline. All of those elements added up t...

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William Martell

A treatment is part of a step deal, so usually the producer who hired you will tell you what length they want. I've had anything from five pages to thirty five required by my contracts. If you are wri...

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Jeff Kraus

Thanks for the information Will. Much appreciated.

Jeff Kraus

Greetings. My name is Jeff Kraus or as some call JD. I am currently wrapping up my undergraduate and I have a strong passion for movies. I am presently writing two feature-length films that I hope to turn into movies. I'm currently polishing one and reworking its treatment. If anyone is interested i...

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Monciana Mitchell

I am interested

Gregory Lambert

Good luck Jd

Richard "RB" Botto

Welcome, JD. We love students around here. Happy to give those who are still in school the opportunity to make network connections now that can assist them once they graduate. Best of luck with all your endeavors.

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