Robert D. Miles

Robert D. Miles

TimeStream Pictures
Author, Director of Marketing & Distribution, Screenwriter, Transmedia Producer, Producer, Line Producer, Editor, Camera Operator, Director, Filmmaker and Marketing/pr

Chattanooga, Tennessee

Member Since:
April 2014
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About Robert

Robert D. Miles\Owner TimeStream Pictures
Robert D. Miles is an industry professional with over a forty-year track record of successfully doing business with a number of America’s largest and most prestigious entertainment and business corporations.Timestream Pictures has in-house production and release and has several current film projects in development and production.
Robert is a Feature Film and Documentary Creator, Author, Director of Marketing & Distribution, Screenwriter, Trans-media Producer, Producer, Line Producer, Editor, Camera Operator, Director, Filmmaker, and Marketing/pr.
His formal work includes the authorship of numerous books, screenplays, video scripts, magazines, newspaper articles, and feature stories. Robert has produced numerous films for television, full-length features films and documentaries, and hundreds of television commercials, many of which he wrote and directed.

He has sold film products to Reality Entertainment, Netflix, Amazon,Vanguard Cinema, Columbia Pictures, HBO, Showtime, On Television, and the Z Channel, and numerous other marketing outlets.
IMDB Robert D. Miles
He is also a major content producer/director/writer for the high impact motion picture series entitled “UFO Chronicles” series on Amazon with (9) films in release,
See t&dchild=1&keywords=ufo+chronicles&qid=1631589868&sr=8-21

His documentary feature film “Hitler Escape To Argentina” has been released on both video download and DVD. See the entire 1 hour and 30 minute film available at on Vimeo at and on Amazon at ?ie=UTF8&qid=1410915227&sr=8-1&keywords=hitler%27s+escape+to+argentina+dvd or the trailer on Youtube at ?v=DNfwWQKZroU

Robert is the Executive Producer/Producer/Writer of the award-winning UFO and ET feature film “Fastwalkers" which won the prestigious “People's Choice” EBE (Extraterrestrial Biological Entity) Award from the International UFO Congress and also the “Best Music” EBE Award. Fastwalkers is available worldwide.

“Fastwalkers" had a number of sold-out theater premieres in New York; Phoenix; Washington, DC; Hawaii; Roswell, New Mexico; and Toronto, Canada. “Fastwalkers” was given to every member of the Congress of the USA and the Presidential Staff, and every member of the Canadian Parliament.

He was also the Executive Producer and Line Producer for the general release motion picture “Ice Cold In Phoenix “which was premiered in Milan, Italy.

Robert has twice been a speaker at the X-Conference in Washington, DC and has been a featured speaker at numerous conferences throughout the United States and internationally. He was also a guest speaker at the International UFO World Day Conference in Roswell, New Mexico on its fifth year anniversary.

Additionally, Robert is the Writer/Director/Producer for the ongoing UFO and ET feature film series, ”Fastwalkers Open Files” which has a library of (7) one and two-hour feature films in distribution.

“Lycandroids Super Soldiers and the Freedom War” is his most recent science fiction novel which is based upon a real creature and other non-fictional information. See on Amazon ?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=lycandroids
Robert was nominated for a local Emmy award for his early travel documentaries “Come Sail Away” and “Quartzite: An American Adventure.” He has received numerous other awards and recognition for his motion picture work as well as for his published books and articles.

His earlier novel “Safespace" received the Editor's Choice Award and is based upon Robert's own UFO-Extraterrestrial knowledge and experience. See on Amazon, .?keywords=Safespace&qid=1638371590&s=books&sr=1-6 and was optioned by Columbia Pictures.

His revised book “SAFESPACE “ was published in 2003 and a screenplay, “Starseed” is currently in development and a One Page Synopsis is available. See Ink Tip for more information.

Robert has been a guest on numerous radio and television shows including Coast to Coast AM with Art Bell, Coast to Coast AM with George Noory, The Kevin Smith Show, The Jeff Rense Show, Conscious Evolution Media Network, PBS., and the Jerry Pippin Show.

For over twenty-two years Robert was the Owner of Miles and Associates, a full-service advertising agency in California and Arizona, with a studio in Phoenix, Arizona USA.

An avid adventurer, Robert designed and built four large sailing vessels and sailed to Hawaii; Baja, Mexico; and Honduras, lived and breathed the RVing lifestyle. He is also a gold miner and was the Publisher/Writer/ Photographer for the four-color gold mining magazine, “Modern Gold Miner and Treasure Hunter”.

Contact Information
Robert D. Miles 4412 Wild Horse Court
Ooltewah TN 37363
Phone: 423-509-8759
Skype: Robert D. Miles in Ooltewah TN. The USA
e-mail: rdm@

Unique traits: Currently have major distribution for UFO and ET related films with two DVD and Streaming libraries currently in distribution and selling worldwide.





  • Black Pearls

    Black Pearls Budget: $1M - $5M | Drama The true, epic tale of Anne Bonney, a beautiful but bored Charleston belle, who recklessly chases adventures of the pirate life... and Mary Read, an English girl, who is forced to masquerade as a boy to survive her life of desperate poverty, bravely accepting her destiny as a soldier, sailor, and pirate. The passions of history's most infamous pirate women intertwine with Captain Calico Jack Rackham, culminating with their ironic fates.


  • American Adventure Quartzsite

    American Adventure Quartzsite (2014)
    Documentary by TimeStream Pictures Exc. Producer/Line Producer/Writer/Editor

  • Hitler's Escape To Argentina

    Hitler's Escape To Argentina (2014)
    Documentary by TimeStream Pictures Exc. Producer/Line Produce/Editor/Writer

  • FASTWALKERS Open Files Series - 5 Pictures

    FASTWALKERS Open Files Series - 5 Pictures (2013)
    Documentary by The Safespace Project Exc. Producer/Line Producer/Writer

  • UFO CHRONCILES Series - 6 Pictures

    UFO CHRONCILES Series - 6 Pictures (2013)
    Documentary by Miles International Pictures Exc. Producer/Line Producer/Writer/Editor


    FASTWALKERS (2006)
    Documentary by The Safespace Project Exc. Producer/Line Producer/Writer

  • Ice Cold In Phoenix

    Ice Cold In Phoenix (1999)
    Film by Miles International Pictures Exc. Producer/Line Producer


    SAFESPACE (1971)
    Film by Columbia Pictures Wruter

  • Come Sail Away

    Come Sail Away
    Documentary by Miles International Pictures Producer/Writer/Cameraman/Editor


  • EBE Award UFO International Congress / FASTWALKERS- Peoples Choice/Best Music


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