Stephen, you have a very impressive resume. I'm honored that you invited me into your network. Please check out my project, Tomorrow Waits For No One. Twitter: TWFNO_series | Facebook...
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Stephen, you have a very impressive resume. I'm honored that you invited me into your network. Please check out my project, Tomorrow Waits For No One. Twitter: TWFNO_series | Facebook...
Expand postStephen, you have a very impressive resume. I'm honored that you invited me into your network. Please check out my project, Tomorrow Waits For No One. Twitter: TWFNO_series | Facebook
Hi Stephen Aristei, I look forward to networking! See how LSN-can help your Business MAKE MORE MONEY! LSN is a All-In-One Marketing System Check this out (FREE) to see how it will help you build YOUR business bigger and make more money faster! Go here now http://e...
Expand postHi Stephen Aristei, I look forward to networking! See how LSN-can help your Business MAKE MORE MONEY! LSN is a All-In-One Marketing System Check this out (FREE) to see how it will help you build YOUR business bigger and make more money faster! Go here now
Would like to know what you are working on and if I can be of service in helping you accomplish the creation of your visions. - my direct email address is:
If you mean "Movie Star" to mean an egomaniac who gets paid an insane amount of money in the HOPES of getting people into the theaters to watch half baked remakes and Superhero movies, than yeah, their day is done and thank goodness. The fact is, what we need are ACTORS who are willing to work on or...
Expand postIf you mean "Movie Star" to mean an egomaniac who gets paid an insane amount of money in the HOPES of getting people into the theaters to watch half baked remakes and Superhero movies, than yeah, their day is done and thank goodness. The fact is, what we need are ACTORS who are willing to work on original films who rely on their talent and won't take nearly half a film's budget, yeah, I believe we'll ALWAYS have need of those.
EVERYTHING THAT IS “OLD” IS “NEW” AGAIN ! Having been a part of the entertainment business since the age of 5 (a child dancer/actor - signed to Desilu and danced on Lawrence Welk), I have also found m...
Expand commentEVERYTHING THAT IS “OLD” IS “NEW” AGAIN ! Having been a part of the entertainment business since the age of 5 (a child dancer/actor - signed to Desilu and danced on Lawrence Welk), I have also found myself a “student” of the entertainment business as well. Though I concentrated on studying the music business, in time one soon learned that in studying the subject well, you will quickly find that all of "entertainment" is connected to each other! As a child I often heard the saying "History repeats itself" ! While growing up, I was lucky enough to be involved with and at the “right place at the right time” of many musical events…..At least on the “business side”. As a teenager, I sold collectable guitars to many of the popular musicians of the 60’s . Working my way up from mailroom to General Manager of Warner Bros. Music in the 70’s – and later working with the legendary Al Gallico during the late 80’s, I found myself not just living through, but observing the continued evolutionary trends that formed the musical landscape of the last 50 years. I am often amused at all the similarities between those late 50’s – early 60’s and today ! I believe that the parallels I see in both the music industry and the film industry are nothing short of “fascinating” and probably go much further than that! Today we hear the pontificators spouting how “vinyl…CD’s…..cassettes….and even “downloads….are all “dead” and the “future is streaming”…..Such extremes I find equally fascinating,. I don’t know if it is because of my age, or experiences, but whenever I hear someone touting something “extreme” , I usually check to see where my wallet is, and look around to see what it is that I am being “hyped” (old school term) or “lied to” about ! I find these loud pontifications of doom and gloom, even more interesting when noting that all the record industry sales data continues to show that CD, album (vinyl) sales are on the rise in nearly every major market….! When did you last hear David Letterman, Jimmy Kimmel, Connan O’Brian, Jimmy Fallon – or any talk show host, telling you about a musical artist performing on their show and not hold up either an “Album” or “CD” ? Yet the question has to be asked, ”Where are the consumers buying these albums and CDs”? There are very very few brick and mortar record stores….All the major chains are gone….leaving a few “mom & pop” stores, however the question still remains unanswered. I am not going to tell anyone that “vinyl is coming back”, I am simply stating that it never left. Just as those same “pontificators” have long touted at different intervals that “Jazz is dead” or “rock is dead” or “heavy metal is dead” or “singer songwriters are dead”, or “boy bands are dead”….These are all “extreme” statements, made to encourage you to come to an “wanted conclusion” which is not supported by “facts” and usually in an attempt to get you to buy something you really don’t need. Jazz from the moment it arrived has never “died”…It has grown in popularity in ebbs and flows over time, and been more popular at some times than others, but is still very much with us and growing strong ! The same can be said for every type of music. The truth is that they all have cycles based upon a whole lot of social/economic factors….And those same “types” of factors continue to “ebb and flow”. They were present in 1959-1964 when the Beatles and the English Invasion first arrived, changing the musical landscape for the last half century, and have come back in various forms, again, ebbing and flowing. Just look back at the “record industry/entertainment industry”? I know most of those reading this are too young to remember, but for the few that are not…..In 1959, what was happening to all the “top recording artists” of the day? Other than the “teen artists” who were making those god awful sounds that Alan Freed coined at “Rock & Roll”, all major recording artists of that time (Vic Damone, Andy Williams, Sammy Daivs jr., Tony Bennet, Patti Page, Perry Como, Steve Lawrence & Edie Gome, Dean Martin , a host of others along with the Chairman of the Board himself, Frank Sinatra, were all complaining about how their records weren’t selling in the same numbers as before. Many were transitioning into films and TV , and most were making all their “big money” on the road, with the truly “big names” headlining in places like casinos in a place called Las Vegas…..Sound familiar? Also, in 1959 where did your parents, or big sister or brother buy their records? Most likely it was a music store that sold musical instruments, pianos, trumpets, violins, etc., had a sheet music department and also had bins with singles and albums. Along with that, there were also Hi-fi- TV – Radio Appliance stores, which also might have a few “bins” or singles and albums for sale as well. Besides these two types of retail outlets, where else were records available to be purchased ? Possibly there was a record section at what was called in those days “the local five and dime” (JJ Newbury’s, Rexall or Savon Drug, J.C. Penny, Cornet, G.C. Murphy, Korvette and J. W. Woolworth) ! Short of those locations, you were shit out of luck if you wanted to find a specific record, other than what was on the nations top 20 chart ! This gave birth to the Schwann Record Catalogue”, where you could often research new records released and order ones not found in you music store directly from the record label (later the Phonologue came into existence). But as recorded music started to become more and more interesting to the public and the demand to purchase recorded music started to grow. What industry did this “lack of access” to purchase new record product, give birth to? Most of you have forgotten the name of the business that quickly became the “back bone” of the record retailing industry. It was called “rack jobbing” or “rack jobs”. This is an interesting and important side note, as this “forgotten business” is about to resurface in a new form, as interest in new music products continues to grow again. Before 1965, one might be hard pressed to find a retail store that sold “phonograph records” exclusively…..The “Record Store” was a product of the late 60’s and early 70’s and with very few exceptions, did not exist in the retail food chain….Anything here “sound familiar”? Before you go to comparing musical trends, and the question of “what social economic factors were in play at that time?”, (which is a lengthy dissertation at best), lets just look at the music audience or market. Well all those youth who had funded the meteoric careers of all those “older artists” were now “old themselves”. They were getting jobs, getting married, buying cars and houses and raising families and even though economically we as a nation were moving forward, all these “youth”, now had responsibilities that out-weighed their love for music. The priorities of life and maturity were taking hold and buying records was not on the list of necessities above food, clothing, rent, mortgage and saving for that new car, vacation or Johnny’s or Suzie’s college fund ! Again…..any of this sound familiar?? Now musically what was happening??? For the most part we all grew up with our parents’ music. We were surrounded by it on radio, TV and even film. Yes there was always that “youth market”….The world of the teen idol, which were still pretty connected to our parents and their music. Short of Elvis, there was Troy Donnahue, Edward “kookie” Byrnes, George Maharris, James Dean, Bobby Darin, Frankie Avalon, and Fabian, Sandra Dee and Annette and of course The Coasters brought some “novelty” to it and Sandy Nelson or Nelson Riddle gave us all an instrumental that we could get behind. Even Pat Boone tried to cash in on that “younger sound”, for a while, but overall, the youth of the day were tiered of being forced to listen to their parents music. So what came in to change it? On the west coast the phenomena was called “Surf Music”, and on the east coast, the phenomena came in the form of “folk music”. Both seemed to come simultaneously and both set up the divide between the new music and the old…the line in the sand between the parents and the kids ! Though both styles of music could be considered “short lived”, both never really disappeared…..And “No”, neither type of was ever “Dead”…They waned in popularity…They morphed into other styles of music, but both are still alive to this day ! So now my overly dry sense of humor demands that I ask you….Does any style of music ever really “die”? So when you hear someone pontificating such unadulterated crap in the future, beyond remembering that this kind of statement is patently “untrue”, you will hopefully reach to make sure where your wallet is and look to see who or what corporate entity is behind whomever is spouting such dribble and try to discover what their agenda is…And what are they trying to sell you? ! ? The “Surf music” was a little hard to “cop”, as vocals were few and far between, and difficult for the older singers to embrace (could you imagine Frank Sinatra doing a version of Let’s Go Tripping”). However, the Folk stuff had a vocal and a message. And by embracing that “message”, Andy Williams, Sammy Davis Jr., Bobby Darin and even Pat Boone could grab a piece of this pie! Soon you saw folk music on every tv show and in nearly every film…There were complete TV series dedicated to it….And the youth of that day was not having it…..! They were tired of having an older generation “adulterize” (such a great expression in this context), their music. Their “new music” was being “hijacked” once again, and quickly it all became just as boring as it was before……In stepped the Beatles and the entire English musical invasion ! However, now we are talking about music and trends and not the business of it. More importantly to this narrative, what happened to the record industry at that time? The mass increase of attention to this new music and the unexpected discovery by Madison avenue (that’s an expression that should encompass all “establishment type” business entities and capitalistic concerns), discovered that their old market was getting “older” and their priorities were changing. Also there was a new “young” or “youth market” that was “shaking things up” and becoming a new “niche” for unexpected growth and prosperity. If you stop and think about it….Wait, no one does that anymore…..Stop and Google it, ….Then you will see how many new “youth oriented” products came into being, after 1965 ! Does any of this sound familiar??? Now to bring this all into a quick perspective regarding the film industry, we need to remember this age old fact. One of the things us smart asses from the music business recognized early was that the people in TV and Films were “square”….Not cool, usually much older, trying to hold on to their youth, and usually 5 to 10 years behind the times …….! As much as most of you will violently disagree, I am sorry to tell you that this point continues to appear to have not changed ! However, stop being angry for a second and take a look at what was happening in Film during those same periods of time, say during the late 60’s? Upon inspection you will find that there was a growing undercurrent of box office “flops” by many of the “so called”, major box office “stars”……Big budgeted Star driven films were quickly becoming unprofitable….It did not matter who starred in it. If the story was “blah”, it flopped. “Packaging” of major stars became important, in the hope of scoring major box office success. Soon large groups of “stars” were being packaged into films, often resulting in only “mildly better” box office results. It was as if no one really cared…..It was blamed on a “bad economy, but just the same, people were not going to the movies in the same numbers. However in 1969 – enter Easy Rider – a concept oriented film. No big stars, just a story that all of youth could identify with. This film almost single handedly turned the film industry on it’s ear and changed the landscape of film making for nearly a half century! How many years after the shake up in music did this happen? Once again I ask you……Do you see any similarities? In the early to mid 60’s there were only a few major record labels…There were even fewer major film companies…..Again, see any similarities? Now to take it all back to music and add the film world…..What also has not yet changed is the oppression of a generation (actually the word “generations” is more accurate), that has forced their tastes in music and film upon all the others…..Don’t get me wrong…I love the Beatles, and Led Zeppelin, however, this music is all over 50 years old! I personally find it impossible to believe that over the past 50 years something equal or better has not been created ! I find Film and TV audiences following in their distain of what the “powers that be” has decided to spoon feed them. I see EDM as “Surfing music”…..However just like folk, it is being capitalized and corporatized as we speak. It will soon be a massive marketing vehicle for all of Madison Avenue to dine upon! Yes, technology continues to evolve and the “landscapes” have and continue to change…But is anything really “dead”? I just heard that Sony has perfected a cassette tape that can hold over ten hours of music…..Is a new cassette player far behind? There are over 50 companies selling consumer disc turntables priced in the range of $1000. 00 on the low end to as high as $300,000.00 on the top…..As the market grows, I see prices going down. Is this an “extreme pontification” or a logical result of “the market”? I see film production costs films coming down, because Stars are not needed. I see films driven by stories rather than stars or cartoon merchandisable characters. And out of these great stories, new stars will be born. As those new stars are born, so will come that attention and renewed interest to attend movie theaters for that al important “communal experience”. As EDM starts morphing into a format of song that communicates an important message to it’s audience, a message that is relevant and that it “communally” can rally around, I see a new music emerging. EDM is simply the “bridge” to the next “big movement”. Computers and technology I great, but it is “personalities” and images that the music community has long been drawn toward. I see a record industry that will seek to get it’s products (all it’s products), to where it’s audience is (the internet is only one resource for a few of the products). As that audience grows, so will the market for the various products….And retail will follow, develop and build that trend. It is human nature to own, possess, touch and feel, besides relating to the concepts and images. This time of the internet has allowed people to forget much of what is “human nature” and when and how it relates to lives and markets. I see a massive change in the tide….I see waves of the old guard crashing into the shore of time…We will all soon grow accustomed to using the technological changes and will soon realize that the “wheel” is not being reinvented or even replaced….It is simply there, it goes around, in a never ending circle and that very circle’s movement, moves us all forward into the future !
Amen to that!
Dear Stephen, Nice to meet you) for this moment I'm looking an agent who will sell my art, dictributor for my films and a manager for my art-show transaction, maybe it's you ? Thank you) Leni
Hi Stephen, Great to connect with you here and thanks for the request. I'm a London-based filmmaker Junichi Kajioka. Please visit my facebook page and like my page and my project if you can.
Expand postHi Stephen, Great to connect with you here and thanks for the request. I'm a London-based filmmaker Junichi Kajioka. Please visit my facebook page and like my page and my project if you can. Please let me know if you have any page or website needs my support. I'd love to help! Hope to have a chance to work together in the near future. Many thanks. Junichi
Tx for the connect Stephen. Best this 2014
Well Stephen, we've been connected about four weeks that long enough?
Hi Stephen, Thanks for the network connection.
Thanks for the interest Stephen.
I having just joined this site, I am definitely a “newbie”. I have over 50 years experience in the entertainment business….Am an expert regarding music clearance/licensing, music supervision, music publishing, (all things recorded and musical)….managed hit acts and record producers….Have worked on o...
Expand postI having just joined this site, I am definitely a “newbie”. I have over 50 years experience in the entertainment business….Am an expert regarding music clearance/licensing, music supervision, music publishing, (all things recorded and musical)….managed hit acts and record producers….Have worked on over 50 major motion pictures...Have an understanding of film production and distribution both nationally & international….. For the last few years worked as a “fixer”….maybe it was because I have a better “phone book” or maybe I am able to come up with more creative solutions……getting in an out of contracts, interpreting royalty statement, auditing accounts, finding funding and monies owed….copyrights and songs purchased back or returned to their rightful owners from major music companies....on and on….I have an extremely unique "skill set" and I am looking for work ! Nothing too small,…recently helped a producer find 10 mil in gap funding and renegotiate all the “music licenses”, obtained “production clearances” – for free ! , stock footage, at a discount ! on and on….(Aren’t these things producer’s do?), I specialize in creative ways to save money and solve problems……! I am especially gifted at tracking down and getting in contact with people, usually considered “difficult” to contact! If anyone has any thing they need done, I am a available ! I love challenges, nothing to big or small (as long as it’s legal)…..but payment is required! Please feel free to contact me.....
Welcome to Stage32!
Stephen, 2013 brought much success for me, please feel free to check out my links for more information and to see my films from the year! I'm very excited to continue the success in 2014 and am always looking for opportunities to network, work, and DO! If you can help, or are looking to create somet...
Expand postStephen, 2013 brought much success for me, please feel free to check out my links for more information and to see my films from the year! I'm very excited to continue the success in 2014 and am always looking for opportunities to network, work, and DO! If you can help, or are looking to create something, please don't hesitate to contact me! Thank you for the friend request! I appreciate it, and am glad to add you to my network! Paul And My Personal Website: See my Films, including Picnic Area 11, Everything As Is, and Everything Twas at my YouTube Channel:
Thank you for connecting, Stephen!
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