I've Animated some experimental shorts, I've directed a few theater productions and some video projects. I've done voice acting for commercial work, theater, animation, live presentation and film, done work locally, nationally and internationally. I've mixed albums for performers, written several scripts for stage and screen. But none of it is where I thought I was going at the time. The path to my current position started when I was drumming for a few bands in Tulsa, I started connecting equipment, eventually mixing and recording. I had my first experience helping build a studio in the 1980s and worked with some of the up and coming artists in the local scene at the time. The studio was where I imagined I'd go, but I met the Gulager family who was shooting a film. After doing field audio work for film I figured somewhere in this general field was where I was headed. After some personal resettlement to the east coast, I applied to and was accepted to Hampshire College intending to pursue audio recording as a career, but I was drawn to these NEW inventions called Desktop Video and Non Linear Editing. Four years later, having acquired a Degree and found a new focus on the burgeoning field of Desktop Video, I was just dipping my toes into the waters of being a Freelance Editor when my Alma Mater asked me to stick around. Now I have a uniquely wonderful career as 'teaching staff' helping students and faculty with the ever changing landscape of Digital Media Production. Everything from V.R. and game design, to music production, audio recording, live event work, installations, traditional animation, studio design, broadcast production, 3D animation and yes of course Film and Video production. I'd heard the phrase "Jack of all trades, master of none." most of my young life, but I never imagined it could be a career, and a fantastically rewarding one at that. But it does make it very hard to encapsulate, and no, I don't think I've done ANY of those many things listed above, at the highest levels I see and admire in so many artists and educators. Most of my work keeps me in the 'early learner' mode, but I enjoy that. I've got a few things I think are pretty OK, but I feel more like I've been walking a path my whole life that is leading me to a place I had thought I would want to be, but never dreamed was actually possible for me personally to arrive at. At this place, on this path. I feel I am a perpetual student to the wonders of the Universe.
Unique traits: Drummer
Right Ho Jeeves (Adaptation for Stage)
by Passport Theater
Return To Mountain
by Willmountain Films
Voice Over
by Passport Theater
Return To Mountain
by WIllmountain Films
Producer/Editor/Assistant Director
Hampshire College Digital Lab Design
by Hampshire College
The Call
by ShatterKind Productions
The New Mother
Film (short)
by Seok Chae Yoon
Soundtrack Producer
Budweiser - "China World Cup Spot"
by Budweiser
The Torches of Erin
by Tim O'Neill
Special Effects
The Day After Peace
by Peace One Day
Sound Recordist
Shanghai Sheraton "In Room Spot"
by Willmountain Films
Peace One Day
by Jeremy Gilley
Sound Recordist
All American Boy
by John Truby
Sound Recordist
"AT&T Cares" spot
by AT&T
Assistant Editor
The Magic School Bus National Ad Spot
by Scholastic
Under the Bed
by Aeolan Kelley
Audio Recordist
ITT Technical Institute: Tulsa
Hampshire College