Kristen Lucas's Lounge Discussions

Michael J. Arbouet
Let's do amazing things together!

Greetings and salutations! My name is Michael J. Arbouet I have been working in the industry for over 20 years I have had the pleasure of working with some incredible people and look forward to finding more on this site! Looking to start an indie film revolution! Drop me a line here or Google me to get in touch!

Richard "RB" Botto

Love your style, Michael! Welcome!

Shawn Speake

Welcome aboard, Michael! I'm down with an Indie Revolution. Let's work!

Jonathan Kramer

Welcome Mike.. when you use the term 'revolution' I urge you to think about innovation along side it.. and that means MULTI-PLATFORM/TRANSMEDIA.. Today the audience needs to immerse in story world and...

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Thedia Samara

Count me in, we're neighbors too :).

Ricki Holmes

Hi Michael, welcome to the stage

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