Greetings and salutations! My name is Michael J. Arbouet I have been working in the industry for over 20 years I have had the pleasure of working with some incredible people and look forward to finding more on this site! Looking to start an indie film revolution! Drop me a line here or Google me to get in touch!
Love your style, Michael! Welcome!
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Welcome aboard, Michael! I'm down with an Indie Revolution. Let's work!
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Welcome Mike.. when you use the term 'revolution' I urge you to think about innovation along side it.. and that means MULTI-PLATFORM/TRANSMEDIA.. Today the audience needs to immerse in story world and...
Expand commentWelcome Mike.. when you use the term 'revolution' I urge you to think about innovation along side it.. and that means MULTI-PLATFORM/TRANSMEDIA.. Today the audience needs to immerse in story world and character and BE INVOLVED..hard to do that when they're simply spectators.. think about it :)
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Count me in, we're neighbors too :).
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Hi Michael, welcome to the stage