Paul Houston's Lounge Discussions

Paul Houston
One Sheet Resources

I am looking for on-line resources to complete a one-sheet for a story idea I have for a series. I need graphic and image options that I can use of the right size for this project. I do not mind paying something to get what I need. But if there are free resources, I would like to know where they are...

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Lehlohonolo Ngwenya
Seeking Collaboration With Fellow Animators

Hi everyone on stage 32, I'm a newbie to stage 32, my general purpose of being here is to find talented individuals I can work with and essentially build a strong professional network that could launch my career in the industry. So if anyone has an interesting project that could use my skills, feel free to message me.

Lehlohonolo Ngwenya

Hi Oriel, any project that requires 3d work or even editing work would be great.

Paul Houston

I'm working on a one-sheet and need an image of a rocket and rocket type graphics of the appropriate size to complete my project. Do you have any resources I could look to? Please advise.

Valerie Ann Nemeth
Entertainment Attorney

Happy Sunday to all; I'm a solo legal practitioner based in North SD county though my practice expands throughout the U.S as well as abroad. Specialize in transactional entertainment (contract negotiations, review, drafting, all phases of production, music, publishing et al) and intellectual propert...

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Paul Houston

Valerie, I have a documentary series mini-bible I would like to get to interested people. And I have a lot to learn. It's called: Journey into Space with Paul Houston Documentary Series Overview: Jour...

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Valerie Ann Nemeth

Hello Paul and thank you for connecting. I do have experience in docu's and IP protection issues. Can you tell me what you have so far in terms of a "mini-bible", what format it is in presently, have you copyrighted your materials etc? Valerie

Paul Houston

Valerie,- Right now I have a 5 page document that describes the basic features and concepts for the program. I also have various log-lines to describe the concept concisely. I have submitted this "min...

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Valerie Ann Nemeth

Hi Paul: Well while my office performs services which do include oversight of projects re; legal protection etc, it does not "shop" projects as an agency would. That being said, I have helped in the s...

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Valerie Ann Nemeth

Hello Ana: As a general rule my practice does not include shopping or submission of new/prospective material. The exception is if a current client has made the initial contact to the person or entity...

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Anthony Rich

Hello everyone! This place is AWESOME! I would love to collaborate with any/all of you in any future projects, whether its something you're creating or I am. Feel free to message me at anytime! Lets have some fun and create awesome film.

Richard "RB" Botto

Love the energy, Anthony, and I appreciate the kind words. Get after it, my friend!

Paul Houston

I have a documentary series mini-bible called Journey into Space. It chronicles the efforts of an aspiring team of technicians to test and prove new technology for space exploration for a new generati...

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Gil Luna

What kind of collaboration did you have in mind? Please msg me. Cheers!

Bill Cook

Anthony I'd like to know if I could be of service to someone. I'm sure I could use help on my projects. How about if you send me three loglines and I'll send you three. The object being: for each to pick one from the other's list to work on simultaneously. Bill

Heather Pierson
Spit-screen probably not a good option for opening scene

My script starts with a split-screen. It's two people commiting suicide in different parts of the world. It's important that the movie starts at this point, but I think it might be difficult for the audience to watch a split-screen and capture their attention. What are some of the other ways to have...

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Ivan Alexei Dominguez

Dear Heather... You can use the split image of two actions in two different places by pointing out, where happens the story or showing/ place or city! Paris, Effield Tower. She jump out! / New York, Bronx alley, He shoot himself. Regards Ivan

Paul Houston

I agree with what Ivan is saying. As I thought about your idea, I said to myself, that might work if there is some kind of action that leads up to both characters committing the same kind of action at...

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CJ Walley

Personally I like the hook of the two opening suicides. My kind of movie. You need to watch out for this Heather; ask a technical question and next you're defending your story. My advice is to take th...

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Frances Macaulay Forde

"...while pressing her mobile phone anxiously against her ear..." I would delete 'anxiously' as the anxiety is set up with the 'pounding'. Brevity is important, only the words absolutely needed should be on the page. Bit like writing poetry, really...

Hammad Hassan

Opening scene looks boring with split-screen for many reasons. If the locations are different for two scenes to take place simultaneously, go for Juxtapose. Also to keep your audience less confused wi...

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