backstage of "DRACULA" with director Joshua B Porter
on set of the feature film "MIDDLE OF NOWHERE" with young costar Bryton Berdhal
on set of the feature film "MIDDLE OF NOWHERE" with costar Carl Schreiber
on set of "THE MASTER" by Paul Thomas Anderson
production still from "INVOCATION"
on set of "#19"
on set of the television series "NUMB3RS"
on set of the television series "NUMB3RS"
on set of "CHORUS NOTES"
production still from the feature film "DARK HARVEST"
taking direction from Joshua B. Porter of set of "DRACULA"
on set of "DRACULA" with beautiful riding companion Julie
production poster for "DRACULA"
production still from "DRACULA" with costar David Campfield
production still from "SHADOW SINGER"
screenshot from "SHADOW SINGER"
screenshot from "SHADOW SINGER" with costar Matthew Donaldson
screenshot from "SHADOW SINGER"
screenshot from "SHADOW SINGER" with costar Holly Nugent
getting final wardrobe approval from director Val Blakely on set of "FLAPJACK"
on set of "FLAPJACK" with costar Erik Batoog
on set of "FLAPJACK" with costar Grant Henderson
finishing touches in the makeup chair on set of "FLAPJACK"
lobby card for the feature film "DARK HARVEST"
screenshot from "PLATINUM" with costar Matthew Donaldson
screenshot from "PLATINUM"
on set of the feature film "CHASING RODGRIGUEZ"
on set of the feature film "CHASING RODRIGUEZ"
production still from the feature "CHASING RODRIGUEZ"
Photo by Angela Noriega, Epic Candids Photography (www.facebook.com/EpicCandids)
Photo by Angela Noriega, Epic Candids Photography (www.facebook.com/EpicCandids)
Photo by Angela Noriega, Epic Candids Photography (www.facebook.com/EpicCandids)
Photo by Angela Noriega, Epic Candids Photography (www.facebook.com/EpicCandids)
Photo by Angela Noriega, Epic Candids Photography (www.facebook.com/EpicCandids)
Photo by Angela Noriega, Epic Candids Photography (www.facebook.com/EpicCandids)
Photo by Angela Noriega, Epic Candids Photography (www.facebook.com/EpicCandids)
photo by Bill Israelson; Studio B Photography
photo by Bill Israelson; Studio B Photography
photo by Douglas Winter
photo by Douglas Winter
photo by Heather Elizabeth
photo by Heather Elizabeth
photo by Heather Elizabeth
photo by Heather Elizabeth
photo by Heather Elizabeth
photo by Heather Elizabeth
photo by Bill Lemon