Stanislav Shakhov, C. S. C. Associated's Lounge Discussions

Christian Wiltshire
Non paid Job Opportunities

Hi Everyone. Like me you are all probably sick and tired of looking at all these great opportunities open to us but unfortunately with no pay. To add insult to injury they also state you must have your own equipment. I am 24 years old and studied for 6/7 years to achieve a degree in Media Art and ha...

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Monserrate Pagan Jr

Well Adam Strange - as was posted by a few others - having a passion for movie making goes a long way - it's got nothing to do with going pro or just a pick up game IMHO having the passion give one th...

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Joanne O'Kennedy

The late, great Philip Seymour Hoffman said recently, "Audition and act as much as you can." If you want to see his "exact" words go to my twitter page, @jookennedy1

Hank Isaac

I helped a friend paint his house. I literally painted half of an entire house. Question: Should I have charged him for my time (and yes, my considerable skill)? Should I be chastised for clearly taki...

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Adrian Sierkowski

There are plenty of friends, Hank, but friends don't often post on craigslist for other friends to come help out. Perfect example, my gaffer and I were on a (paid) shoot together. he brought up he was...

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Dmitry Puzyrev

Well, working gratis we get important things - our portfolio and experience. Later you can use it to sell your service, show your works, getting hired for advertising/film work, make connections with...

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