Tayo Akinsipe's Lounge Discussions

Matthew H Emma
Male or Female Protags

Who do you all think are more fun protagonists to write? Male or female protags. I have written both, but for whatever reason, I have more female protagonists and think they are more fun to write.

Matthew H Emma

DL you raise a great point and thanks for the insight. I would say my lady protags are dynamic and most certainly flawed.

Bill Costantini

To answer your original question....it's all fun!

Matthew H Emma

Like your philosophy Bill.

Tayo Akinsipe

I don't think the gender matters. I believe the personality matters more. At the same time i think giving a female character a personality or type or role that is normally male is very interesting and vice versa

Bill Albert

Like you I most often have female protagonists. It just come down to being more of a challenge. When I was in college they kept saying to just write a male character and then change the name to a female. I never, ever, ever, once did that.

Danna Rosenthal
Should I Be Worried?

Is it unheard of for a potential investor to want to option your screenplay just by reading the synopsis and not seeing the whole script? Or is that unheard of and fishy?

D Marcus

Kalisa, you may be correct about "Star Wars" and "Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid ". But it's important to note the the writers who pitched and got the go ahead based on their synopsis were establi...

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Kalisa Moore

Thank you Marcus! I knew but wasn't absolutely sure on how much I knew about this rarity.

Pj McIlvaine

BUTCH CASSIDY AND THE SUNDANCE KID was William Goldman's first original screenplay, according to Screenplayology. http://www.screenplayology.com/2011/09/01/review-butch-cassidy-and-the-s......

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D Marcus

It was Pj. And it was his third produced screenplay. He adapted Victor Canning's novel "Castle Minerva" in 1965 and Ross Macdonald's "Harper" in 1966. Before that he had written a play that was produc...

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William Martell

And Goldman was a best selling novelist... who'd had a bunch of his novels bought and made into movies. Robert Redford bought FATHER'S DAY and it was never made, but was a hot project.

Tayo Akinsipe
Do's and Don't s of pitching

What are things you should not do a pitch

Tracey Bradley

Too many to count. Keep it simple. You will probably have as few as one to three minutes to pitch before their brains have moved on to other things. Prepare, distill and practice pitching A LOT.

Tayo Akinsipe
My name is Tayo and I'm new to this

Hi, my name is Tayo. I find this website lovely and wish I knew about it earlier. I'm an aspiring Screenwriter, actor and comedian. I love creating stories and expressing them through film

Richard "RB" Botto

Welcome aboard, Tayo! Great to have you here, my friend!

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