Piet Opperman's Lounge Discussions

Piet Opperman
Specialization in documentary dramas

Thank you for allowing me to be here and interact with all these fine people. I like to find extraordinary historical events (especially ones that are unknown, or have been forgotten -- or buried) and creating a screenplay following the known facts very closely, but overlaying it with the invented n...

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Piet Opperman
Reinventing myself

I am a retired consultant, working in the information technology and insurance fields for my entire career. One of my recent "hobbies" (about 15 years) has been researching a particular story, which revolves around a New York socialite and a German nobleman. I have amassed an enormous amount of deta...

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Mike Milton

It is a great time of life and a perfect opportunity to either start something fresh or return to an old passion! All the best with your project. It might be daunting but it will certainly also be fun and rewarding no matter where it god and takes you along to.

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