At the premier of Take My Heart at the Micheaux Film Festival, Hollywood Mann Chinese Theaters.
A film I wrote and directed: TAKE MY HEART. Out soon! Our actor: Joy Sunday, Kim Estes, Roy Williams, Lana Danielyan, Marisilda Garcia.. Story and produced by Peter Sands. Producer: Sophia Monroe. DP: Ricardo Jacques Gale. Casting: Julianne Gabert.
JOY SUNDAY stars in our new film, TAKE MY HEART. Trailer dropped February 21st, 2020
Interview at the NYC INT Film Festival with ALADINO TV for my film FINDING MOMMA.
FINDING MOMMA nominated for BEST COMEDY at Great Lakes International Short Film Festival. http://greatlakesshortsfest.com/2015-film-nominations/
Chasing Chekhov on the screen. An award winning film I wrote and starred in opposite Neil Dickson. Shot in Prague and Pasadena.
In post with my latest film (writer/director) Finding Momma.