Jason Sensation, an attractive retired break-dancer who works as a self-employed masseur, financially helps his mother with her medical bills due to her ailing...
Starring Ana Saldaña and Brandon Kirk. A confident young lawyer by the name of Jerry (Ryan Stroud) lands his good friend, Emiliano (Brandon Kirk) a job interview at his law firm office. Everything seems to be going right until Emiliano is caught by the beauty of Corina (Ana Saldaña) and loses control of his bike. Not only is she beautiful he is taken back on how sweet she is after his accident. His only problem is, choosing an opportunity between a possible job or a future talented...
It's been a while since April and Robert have seen each other and plan to meet up at an art show opening at a loft in Downtown, Los Angeles. While Robert's personal life doesn't seem to be going very well, April brags about how lucky she is and it never seems to run out. He reminds her not to press her luck. She soon finds out what he means.