Paul Anthony’s passion for image making began early in his life with guidance from his family. Colorful life in a small Nebraska community stood still in photographs captured by the youngster and by the time he entered Junior High he was hand coloring photographs and entering contests. By the end of his freshman year in high school he had completed all of the local community college offerings in photography. Local legend and photographer Tom Nuesca became his mentor.
Paul worked nights as a photo lab technician at Western Nebraska Community College and attended Gering Senior High School during day. He was on the yearbook staff and became a regular sight at local sports events where he began to learn from professionals like local news photographer Rick Myers. He entered and won a state journalism competition through the University of Nebraska. This led him away from home as he began studies at Metropolitan Community College in Omaha where he was awarded an Associate’s degree in Commercial Still Photography.
It was no surprise when Paul was accepted into the Bachelors Program at Brooks Institute of Photography in California. In 2007 he received his BA in Visual Journalism and joined the Cabela’s Production Team at the company headquarters in Sidney, Nebraska where he honed his skills as a high definition videographer and editor.
Paul traveled across the country shooting television ads for Ford Motor Company and was involved in the production of Cabela’s television shows for the Outdoor Channel. He created CEO newsletters, internal and retail training and internet videos for a variety of products. He authored and designed DVD menus and mastered best selling programs for hunters. He was instrumental in creating programming for video walls for the ever expanding retail outfitter to new locations in Colorado.
Paul’s journey as a photographer and videographer has taken him to distant places and now his journey has brought him back to his community and family. He has brought his passion home to the Midwest. Paul Anthony owns and operates Proress Productions serving clients and communities across the Great Plains.
Brooks Institute