Kerry Hurst's Lounge Discussions


Hi all! It's been a long time since I've been on here and I hope all has been well with everyone. I have been busy working on two comedy features and a comedy sketch show which has already aired on London Live channel so super excited as the production team are hoping that episode two will also be p...

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Izzibella Beau

Hi, Kerry. Congrats on the comedy features. I envy those who can write and act that genre.

Kerry Hurst

Hi Izzibella! Thank you and it is so much fun. My worry is being typecast which is why I want to show a greater range in the more serious roles. Thanks for connecting and have a fab weekend!

Richard "RB" Botto

Welcome back, Kerry! Hope to see you more active and visible going forward!

Sadie Dean

Great to have you here, Kerry! Congrats on your current victories, very cool.

Kerry Hurst
Advice needed!

Hi, hope someone can help me! I am a non-union actor, at present and I have been offered a supporting (speaking) role in an independent feature. The role requires two days filming and on the second day of filming I am required to be scantily clad in a simulated sex scene. Not that this bothers me bu...

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Marco Fiorini

Gee-wiz what a lot of FAZOOL. Miss, if you are truly an actor and your sex scene isn't with Brad Pitt, do your career a huge favor, Pass. BUT curiosity makes me ask," What was your audition for the role?"

Marco Fiorini

OOPS, I just did, too late.

Dave McCrea

DO IT. You're non-union so getting any money is a bonus. To make it as an actor you have to say yes to basically almost everything. This is the most competitive occupation on the planet. Everything I'...

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John William Sammon

SAG scale per day is $800. They're offering you $380. I'd keep my clothes on until I get more. Join the union. You must get beyond non-union ultra low. You're worth more.

C. D-Broughton

I have to point out that American and British rates are not the same. Kerry, one does not simply join Equity, however, any speaking role in a feature-length film does (if I recall correctly) provide a...

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Kerry Hurst

Hi everyone, Many thanks to you all who have connected with me.....much appreciated. Like most of you I have a life long passion for acting and took a leap of faith 2 years ago. Since then everything's been on the up :) I very much look forward to connecting with fellow creatives here on Stage32. Have a great day, stay positive and keep smiling :)

Richard "RB" Botto

Great to have you here, Kerry! Congratulations on taking that leap!

Rose Anne Nepa

Hi Kerry. Excited to see where my acting career takes me. Please like me on IMDb, and I will do the same to you.

Kerry Hurst

Hi Rose Anne, it's lovely to connect with you. I will absolutely like you on IMDb and thank you for doing the same for me. I wish you all the very best success in your acting career and you never know, we could be meeting up on the Red Carpet one day!

Rose Anne Nepa

I will be looking for you.. You will be the one with the Oscars in your hand!

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