I am currently writing a (non-screenplay) story on a forum. Some replies weren't focused on the work itself, but on me, as a writer. Some said " Quit writing! Plow the field instead!", others said: " I hope you have a serious job!". Another one said: " You have absolutely no clue on this subject!"....
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You want personal attacks? Try twitter. God the people on there are so vicious and they don't even know you!
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Cyber Bullies, Danny. They're actually cowards behind a screen. Nothing but wimps in real life. Just hit the delete button as soon as the conversation gets ugly.
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small minds will attack, Better minds will give constructive comments. Sometimes the latter can sting because with the arts reality can suck. I think the thing to remember is do it for yourself. That...
Expand commentsmall minds will attack, Better minds will give constructive comments. Sometimes the latter can sting because with the arts reality can suck. I think the thing to remember is do it for yourself. That way if nothing comes of it you can still say. There, I did a thing and it has value all on its own simply because it exists.