Bob Irish's Lounge Discussions

Bob Irish
Writing process

I'm new to the screenwriting scene and I'm curious the process most writers go through. Once you have an idea and have written the concept down, where do you go from there? What's your process? What writing tools do you use? What kind of "deliverables" or documents do you complete through out your p...

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Jerry Doubles

Well, After getting your concept down, I'll suggest you get any good book on screenwriting(screenplay by SYD FIELD, save the cat by BLAKE SNYDER and the screenwriters bible), get a good software(Final...

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Anthony Moore

My process: 1) Brainstorm - Concept/Idea. 2) Plot - Brief outline of characters and story. 3) Pageline - A timeline of pages between major plot points/acts. Example - Intro of characters and first plo...

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CJ Walley

I'm big into pre-writing as much as possible. My whole system is built around the mindset of a note based system. I.e I'm not sitting staring at blank pages and thinking what's next. Everything starts...

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Brian Steinmetz

Write every day until your fingers ache and your eyes bleed. Write until you forget how to spell your own name. Then write some more. When you think you've got something decent, throw it away and start over.

Bob Irish
Advice for a guy with a movie idea and a day job

Hi. I'm Bob and honestly, I don't work in the film industry at all. I hope I am not inappropriately inviting myself to the party. I had an idea for a movie (who hasn't?) years ago and have written a mix of dialogue and summary across 35 pages. I'm at a cross roads on how to take from 35 pages of som...

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Padma Narayanaswamy

I am still a member of this site I think even the CEO is here . I used to visit a long time back

Robert Evan Howard

Hello Mr. Irish - You said you would raise the money for your movie on Kickstarter, therefore, if you have the experience doing that, and you want to be a hit in the movie bizz and everyone at Stage 3...

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Shaun O'Banion

Option 2.

Shane Granger

A few weeks ago, I posted a job opening for a co-writer for a movie I'm producing. I had a tremendous response. This could be because this movie is actually going to be made... I've worked hard to put...

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Shane Granger

... and be willing to take on a partner when the time is right... or pay money. lol, this second post is after my morning coffee... ;)

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