E. Gustavo Petersen's Lounge Discussions

E. Gustavo Petersen
cinematographer (LA/NYC)

Greetings. I'm a cinematographer based out of Los AngelesI mostly working in features, commercials, and music videos. Look forward to meeting others of you and perhaps collaborating on your productions.

Jorge J Prieto

Welcome to this great community, Gustavo. Hope to see you on the lounges.

Royce Allen Dudley
How Producers Look @ Cinematography Reels When Considering DPs

This is aimed at those who are starting to produce their first films, but may be worthwhile for newer shooters too. I have had DP reels of my own for 20 years, and viewed those of others for longer. Having discussed this with agents, producers and other DPs at length, here are some thoughts about na...

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E. Gustavo Petersen

Excellent points, especially number 7.

Royce Allen Dudley

Patrick, the bargain-bin stinker that almost cost me a gig was the 20th Century Fox direct to video release SNITCH'D ... 2003 I think. It was Eva Longoria's first feature; we shot it in the late 90's...

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Royce Allen Dudley

Andrew, we will have to agree to disagree. Some of the points you make actually confirm my points. The mere cutting of a DP reel deviates the footage from the filmmaker's original intention. While the...

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Brent Reynolds

Good advice. I am guilty of cutting to music and only putting in snippets of the best shots, (though I do strive to put in a variety) which has actually gotten me the criticism that my reel looks like...

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Andrew Sobkovich

Royce, these are opinions, as such it is easy for there to be many approaches. If there was one “right” way, it would be very easy. I’m curious, given your opinion, do you have music on your reels? Wh...

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Daniel McPake
Camera Operating...

So how many of you cinematographers operate your own camera? Do you think an operator detracts something from a DP's role?

Erick T. Cole

I operate on a very, very small level (just graduated recently), but so far I like operating the camera. Without sounding egotistical, I trust my ability to get the shots I want to see, and I feel lik...

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Chase Axton Nettleton-Gardiner

A good DP can communicate what he wants to see in every shot very simply and a good operator can see the lighting set up and pick up on the great images provided making it a seamless image. I have don...

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Daniel McPake

I have to admit I would love to work with a talented operator, I think it would give (depending on the project obviously) a great angle having a fresh pair of eyes slightly more disconnected to the project than the director.

Thomas Koch

I do both. There are times when you just have to operate yourself. A lot of indie low budget stuff, would not hire a competent op. On bigger stuff, you get better talent, and can focus on the over ath...

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John O'Hara

I have done photography for nearly 30 yrs now and enjoy operating the camera. However, I DP a lot of multi-camera shoots and there I have to rely on good photographers to operate those cameras. It is...

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