John Davidson's Lounge Discussions

John Davidson

Hello, I am pretty new to this kind of networking. So I thought I might introduce myself. I have been a colorist for longer than I care to remember. Having starting out in L.A. and moving to the Northwest where I was able to work for some not so great post houses and then a great post house. But now...

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John Davidson

Hello I am a freelance colorist who has recently gone out on my own. I now have been working with indie/documentary filmmakers. It is a refreshing experience after working for post houses for so many years, where my main client base was commercials. May I wish all of you working in the indie communi...

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Richard "RB" Botto

Welcome, John. And thanks for sharing.

Simon © Simon

What is your monitor of choice John? Better yet if you had 500 to replace a 27" hole in your desk which one would you buy?

John Davidson

Hello, for color grading I use a Flanders Scientific. My client monitor is a Panasonic Plasma.

Simon © Simon

Those Plasma's really POP! I use a an LED for my out. I wrote 500 not 5000 for a monitor. LOL!

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