Dar Ra

Dar Ra

Actor, Music Composer, Producer, Screenwriter and Voice Artist

London, United Kingdom

Member Since:
January 2012
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About Dar

Some things are certain in life, as sure as you know the day will rise and fall and the seasons will change, the same can be said when it comes to music and Artist and Producer Dar.Ra.
It was obvious from an early age that this combination was going to create a lifelong passion that would become a marriage for better or even better.
The first rumblings of this passion happened as Dar.Ra went for an audition with a reggae influence band called Bass Culture, which was a great opportunity and opened up the way to song writing.
Musical influences changed as The US paradise garage sound hit the UK in the early 90’s. A chance meeting with a DJ in a record shop led to collaboration and the release of his first record under the name of ‘Taste of Paradise’. The original white label went to number 1 in the local UK charts and the phone starting ringing from the major labels. Three labels chased after the act, but Chrysalis Records signed them which led to re-releasing the track and getting the record into the UK national charts.
Dar.Ra went on to release dance influenced records throughout the 90’s with Polydor, BMG, 21st Century Records, Mushroom Records and Festival Records in Australia, in that time remixing records by Frankie Goes To Hollywood, Tears For Fears and had dance-floor hits with Urban Harmonix and Bliss.
Spending time working in Australia for Festival Records gave Dar.Ra another top 40 track for a band called Ultra Love Machine, and the opportunity to gain more experience with his writing and production skills. Finding himself in Byron Bay the most easterly point of Australia, Dar.Ra worked on a subliminal album called Breath for the K-Collective which worked on the premise that certain frequencies and breathing can bring about great internal release from stress and pressure. The album is one of the first pieces of music to create an organic musical landscape that can bring the listener into a mind and body balance using this enhanced sonic strategy.
After coming back to the UK a second time in 2003, Dar.Ra set up Kusha Deep Music to give an umbrella to all the projects and make it easier to guide the material to the right sources.
Since then, the label secured international distribution through companies in the US, UK, China and Australia and has been pushing forward with the synchronisation side of the business.
Recently, Dar.Ra has released a solo album called ‘Soul Hours’ a more live organic sound, which was featured as album and artist of the week on Heart FM in Spain. The album was also used on ABC TV films starring Hilary Duff and been play-listed on UK and European radio stations. The Soul Hours album has received great feedback from press and radio and is raising the profile of Dar.Ra as a songwriter and producer greatly.
The Soul Hours album has also caught the ears of a film production team in NYC who has asked Dar.Ra to write the score for a new documentary called The City of Hope, which will be filmed in Brazil and has some quality names associated with it.
There is also a new dance project called KDX which is also getting great reviews, because it brings the harmony back to the dance-floor by mixing the uplifting vocals that you hear on 90’s dance records and adding it with 21st century dance floor tunes. The track has appeared on Estonian National TV on a film by Juhan Aar who is a well know film maker and political maverick in Eastern Europe. Dar.Ra has also been invited to come out and play live in Estonia, Kazakhstan and the US later this year.
With a follow up album being planned for 2012, its sure to be an amazing year for Dar.Ra and the Kusha Deep Music label.
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