Flavio Gaertner's Lounge Discussions

Tui Allen
The Complex Villain

I need to get a discussion going about villains, because I'm having trouble developing one in my current story. If we can just talk generally about villains I might get my subconscious into action and produce the goods. Right now there is a discussion on Amazon about this and someone there whinged w...

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Peter Roach

Villains must have a reason to be angry, they must feel they are right. On the other hand they could simply enjoy the terror they impose on others.

Kevin Carothers

The most interesting viillian to me was Fletcher from whiplash.

He can be nice to your kid one minute and destroy your life the next.

He is as sociopathic as he is talented.

Man, if I could write a villain like that....

Jennifer R. Povey

The simple thing is this: Your antagonist is somebody who has goals that oppose the protagonist. They are the character your audience roots against. In MOST stories they're a villain - that is, the pr...

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Eric Christopherson

One of my most favorite villains is Colonel Saito (Sessue Hayakawa) from Bridge on the River Kwai and I think it's because he saw himself as anything but a villain. From his perspective, Colonel Nicho...

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Kevin Carothers

@Erik I think you are exactly right. Even down to the observations about Hitler.

This brings a question in my mind; It seems like the what you're getting at is a lack of introspection on the part of th...

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