Gerard Ohalloran's Lounge Discussions

Brenda LeGeral Gafford
Screenwriter, Director and Playwright

Hi Everyone... I just joined a few days ago and I am finding so much knowledge from others on here. I'm a writer (screen to stage and a little TV) :) I also direct and produce. Presently, a movie I created and wrote is on Forest Whitaker's JuntoBox Film Site. I have made it to level 4 so I'm happy a...

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Brenda LeGeral Gafford

Hi Antonio...Thanks for the very kind words. I see that you are a screenwriter and actor also. When time allows you, maybe you should check out my film page and some of the acting parts available. You never know what the future holds for those parts.. :)

Brenda LeGeral Gafford

Hi Gerard...thanks for your information. You seem to have a lot of great things going for you!

Gerard Ohalloran

yes Brenda ... I am feeling it for sure lol

David Andrade

Hi Brenda! How are you? What do you think of Juntobox Films :D?

Brenda LeGeral Gafford

Hi David...I really like JuntoBox... I just posted a more detailed message on your page about it :)

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