Tarra Bercegeay has two decades of television, film, audio and multimedia production experience. She received her BFA degree in Film and Video Production from Penn State University and her Masters in Educational Technology with a focus in Game Design from Boise State University. She has worked in Film and TV production since 1992. In 1996, Tarra began working as a videographer and editor for ABC sports, CBS Sports, ESPN, NFL Films and the Golf Channel. She produced and directed several independent film and television projects and worked as a story analyst for the Sundance Institute and for Marty Katz Productions. In addition to filmmaking, Tarra was the Director of Education at Moviola, an Avid certification and editing school for motion picture editors in Hollywood and worked as a multimedia producer and project manager for the International Documentary Association. For the last five years, Tarra developed an award winning Film, TV and Game Design department at Palm Springs High School. Her current focus is coaching competitive Esports teams, 2D/3D animation and immersive learning environments (ILEs), including game-based learning, simulation-based learning, and virtual 3D worlds.