Sarah Mednick's Lounge Discussions

Sarah Mednick
Ready to cast new projects

Hi everyone! I’m about to finish casting my first independent low budget film and I’m looking for my next project. I’ve been an assistant at various agencies and management companies. I was furloughed from my last job and decided to do something new. Turns out I love casting! I get really excited wh...

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Karen "Kay" Ross

Hey, Sarah Mednick! Nice to meet you! I was looking over your profile, but you don't have much there. Tell me about yourself! Is there a particular genre you find you enjoy casting for? I, too, enjoye...

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Sarah Mednick

I just started casting my very first film. Most of my experience stems from being an assistant at various talent agencies and management companies. Trying to figure out the best bio for that. Lol. I’m...

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