I'll be visiting San Francisco Halloween weekend and propose a meetup! When: October 30th, 2014 Time: 7pm Where: Smuggler's Cove 650 Gough Street, +1 415 869 1900, smugglerscovesf.com. GO TO THE TOP LEVEL OF THE PLACE FOR THE MEETUP :)
I'll be visiting San Francisco Halloween weekend and propose a meetup! When: October 30th, 2014 Time: 7pm Where: Smuggler's Cove 650 Gough Street, +1 415 869 1900, smugglerscovesf.com. GO TO THE TOP LEVEL OF THE PLACE FOR THE MEETUP :)
Hey Chris, thanks for reaching out. Good to meet you too.
I remember you from Scary Cow days when we work Rantz. I hope all is well with you,. I'm still working on my project and it's finally getting close. Have a great day.
Excerpts from Your Heroin (no:carrier feat. Bobby Halvorson), Tomorrow's Sorrow (no:carrier & Scilla), Lovesong (The Cure cover) (no:carrier, Mills, Nadia S.), Twiddle Lee Dee (Liza Marie Sparks), When The Rain Falls (no:carrier feat. Scilla), Bad Moon Rising (CCR cover) (no:carrier feat. Liza Marie Sparks)
Hey Chris! Nice meeting you at the Laughlin International Film Festival. I really like the Dark Sounds motif. I am a double scorpio and like that kind of intensity. Keep up the good work, my friend. Cat Dexx was great! Take care!
New epic, dramatic score with female vocals - listen and let me know your thoughts :-) https://soundcloud.com/countercommunications/unveiling-epic-drama-female......
Expand postNew epic, dramatic score with female vocals - listen and let me know your thoughts :-) https://soundcloud.com/countercommunications/unveiling-epic-drama-female...
Just posted a few new songs to my reel here on Stage32 - opinions welcome :-) https://www.stage32.com/profile/252761/reel (if you'd like to hear more, please have a look at http://www.chriswirsig.com/listen.html)...
Expand postJust posted a few new songs to my reel here on Stage32 - opinions welcome :-) https://www.stage32.com/profile/252761/reel (if you'd like to hear more, please have a look at http://www.chriswirsig.com/listen.html)
I love Awakening! Great work. Do you have a youtube by any chance?I would love subscribe if you do.
Thanks Shanika :-) Yes, I have two YouTube channels: The instrumentals are on https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjGmOruNRmxf2VAj6LPL3vw - or rather will be, as there's not many yet. But there will be m...
Expand commentThanks Shanika :-) Yes, I have two YouTube channels: The instrumentals are on https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjGmOruNRmxf2VAj6LPL3vw - or rather will be, as there's not many yet. But there will be more videos soon :-) And there's also the channel for my electro pop band no:carrier: https://www.youtube.com/user/ElectricHeretic
I'm not new, but haven't been very active here for a while, so here's my re-intrudoction ;-) I'm a composer/producer, specialising in dark, intense, atmospheric music. My recent work was for the short movie "20 Matches" that's screened at festivals throughout the year and the iOS game "Alien Tribe 2...
Expand postI'm not new, but haven't been very active here for a while, so here's my re-intrudoction ;-) I'm a composer/producer, specialising in dark, intense, atmospheric music. My recent work was for the short movie "20 Matches" that's screened at festivals throughout the year and the iOS game "Alien Tribe 2". If you'd like to take a listen, please go to http://www.chriswirsig.com/listen.html Have a great weekend! Chris
Hi Stephen, thanks for connecting. If you'd like to hear some of my musical work, please have a listen at http://www.chriswirsig.com/listen.html Keep in touch, Chris
Thanks Chris!
Pretty stoked that the mystery short movie "20 Matches", that I composed the music for, is now in the first two film festivals (with more to come, that can't be talked about yet ;-) ): The Ashland Film Festival and the Phoenix Film Festival. I will attend the Phoenix Festival - if anyone will be the...
Expand postPretty stoked that the mystery short movie "20 Matches", that I composed the music for, is now in the first two film festivals (with more to come, that can't be talked about yet ;-) ): The Ashland Film Festival and the Phoenix Film Festival. I will attend the Phoenix Festival - if anyone will be there, let's meet up :-) 20 Matches Trailer: https://vimeo.com/139767417
Qué? Me work hard Sir. Me learn fast Sir. Promise. Please Sir...! #Manuel #FawltyTowers #casting #diversity #actor #audition #british #comedy #actorslife #loa #french #lawofattraction #italian #giuseppelentini 4ft11 of fun and #character #actor #charactor #CastingCallPro http://www.castingcallpro...
Expand postQué? Me work hard Sir. Me learn fast Sir. Promise. Please Sir...! #Manuel #FawltyTowers #casting #diversity #actor #audition #british #comedy #actorslife #loa #french #lawofattraction #italian #giuseppelentini 4ft11 of fun and #character #actor #charactor #CastingCallPro http://www.castingcallpro.com/uk/actor/profile/giuseppe-lentini #IMDb http://www.imdb.me/giuseppelentini #Webpage: www.giuseppelentini.com #Twitter @GiuseppeLentini #Instagram @giuseppelentini_actor
"It's easier to train a monkey" (Basil Fawlty) :-)
Re-organized and updated sound showcase - check it out at http://www.chriswirsig.com/listen.html From epic orchestral/electronic hybrids to atmospheric electronic and edm... and back ;-)
My current sound showcase with nine songs that are more in the soundtrack area - from classical cues with some electronics to more esperimental, electronic-hybrid stuff :-) https://soundcloud.com/countercommunications/sets/showcase-march-2015...
Expand postMy current sound showcase with nine songs that are more in the soundtrack area - from classical cues with some electronics to more esperimental, electronic-hybrid stuff :-) https://soundcloud.com/countercommunications/sets/showcase-march-2015
Thanks for the request :-)
Hi Chris and thanks for connecting. What are you working on these days? I am working on a documentary called Earth Medicine - http://kck.st/ZVDGMu
Hi Beezhan, I'm currently working on music of different styles - it's mainly darker and usually a hybrid between electronic and acoustic/orchestral stuff. If you like you can have a listen at http://w...
Expand commentHi Beezhan, I'm currently working on music of different styles - it's mainly darker and usually a hybrid between electronic and acoustic/orchestral stuff. If you like you can have a listen at http://www.counter-communications.com/sound-showcase/ - some of it might be fitting for your documentary or other projects. Anyway, I'm glad to hear what you think :-)
Thanks Chris, nice work. I will need some music in my next feature after Feb 2015. If you are interested in producer credit, please read this. I am looking for individuals, companies, organizations to...
Expand commentThanks Chris, nice work. I will need some music in my next feature after Feb 2015. If you are interested in producer credit, please read this. I am looking for individuals, companies, organizations to sponsor my film “Earth Medicine” - now in KickStarter - http://kck.st/ZVDGMu There are 4 rewards that you can choose from: CO-ASSOCIATE PRODUCER ASSOCIATE-PRODUCER CO-PRODUCER CO-EXECUTIVE PRODUCER Here are the reasons why I believe investing in this film (as a producer) can be a great promotional campaign. The film has great potential to reach as many people as possible. The Trailer and the feature length film will be translated to as many languages as possible. That means the name of sponsors (Personal or company name) will be in all the translated material (The film, the trailer, and in the Press Kit) A copy of the film will also be available in iTunes iBooks Store as soon as the film is done, The film will also be available In Amazon. (as many as the translated), that means once for example the film is translated in 3 languages, it will show as 3 films in Amazon). We are doing our best to translate the film to most spoken languages (including Spanish, German, Arabic, Persian, Chinese, Swahili, Russian …) Since once the project ends in KickStarter (30th of Nov 2014), the information about the film will be up online till eternity. The film is screening at a few film festivals. The most important film festival is going to be Santa Barbara International Film Festival. Santa Barbara International Film Festival is giving The Attenborough Award for Excellence in Nature Filmmaking to Jean-Michel Cousteau (the son of Jacques Cousteau). Our film “Earth Medicine” Starts with Jean-Michel and ends with him. I would be honored if you (personally), your organization, or your company sponsors my film as an ASSOCIATE-PRODUCER, a CO-PRODUCER, OR a CO-EXECUTIVE PRODUCER. Thank you so much for your time and I hope you have an amazing day.
Hi Mark, thanks for connecting! As you're currently working on adapting your novels for the screen, maybe you could use some music for it that I can provide - I'm mainly writing & producing darker electronic music (with acoustic elements, with vocals and instrumentals) in different genres that perfe...
Expand postHi Mark, thanks for connecting! As you're currently working on adapting your novels for the screen, maybe you could use some music for it that I can provide - I'm mainly writing & producing darker electronic music (with acoustic elements, with vocals and instrumentals) in different genres that perfectly fit for suspense, drama, documentary, horror and action. If you'd like to listen to my Sound Showcase (or get more info about me), please go to http://www.counter-communications.com/sound-showcase/ Thanks and stay in touch Chris
Hi Christopher, thanks for the add to your network! I'm not sure what projects you're working on after "Tiburon", but maybe you'll be in need of any music I can offer - I'm mainly writing & producing darker electronic music (with acoustic elements, with vocals and instrumentals) in different genres...
Expand postHi Christopher, thanks for the add to your network! I'm not sure what projects you're working on after "Tiburon", but maybe you'll be in need of any music I can offer - I'm mainly writing & producing darker electronic music (with acoustic elements, with vocals and instrumentals) in different genres that perfectly fit for suspense, drama, documentary, horror and action. If you'd like to listen to my Sound Showcase (or get more info about me), please go to http://www.counter-communications.com/sound-showcase/ Thanks and stay in touch Chris
Thanks for the link, Chris. I'll check it out.
Hey Jake, thanks for the add to your network! I'm not sure what projects you're working on right now, but maybe you're in need of any music I can offer - I'm mainly writing & producing darker electronic music (with acoustic elements, with vocals and instrumentals) in different genres that perfectly...
Expand postHey Jake, thanks for the add to your network! I'm not sure what projects you're working on right now, but maybe you're in need of any music I can offer - I'm mainly writing & producing darker electronic music (with acoustic elements, with vocals and instrumentals) in different genres that perfectly fit for suspense, drama, horror and action. If you'd like to listen to my Sound Showcase (or get more info about me), please go to http://www.counter-communications.com/sound-showcase/ Thanks and stay in touch Chris
Glad you enjoyed it! Check out my movie, 108 Stitches, which just released! http://www.amazon.com/108-Stitches-Bruce-Davison/dp/B00N5IH5WK/ref=sr_1_...
Expand commentGlad you enjoyed it! Check out my movie, 108 Stitches, which just released! http://www.amazon.com/108-Stitches-Bruce-Davison/dp/B00N5IH5WK/ref=sr_1_
I will consider you for my current and upcoming projects!
I'm with Chris! Nice meeting everyone!
1 person likes this
Good times! Thanks Shannon.
Unfortunately, I missed it by a day, but I came at the right time!