Actress Anja Akstin and Actor Chris Gerard-Heyward
Sound Dude Brian Gumper
Producer Michael Bosch.
Actress Anja Akstin and Actor Chris Gerard-Heyward, I love these two talented people.
Cinematographer Matt O'Brien takes five between takes
Actress Anja Akstin and Actor Chris Gerard-Heyward have a laugh
Actress Anja Akstin and Sound Dude Brian Gumper have a little fun between takes
Actress Anja Akstin and I
Walking to another set
Taking a break between sets
Production Still
Actor Robert Mello and Actor Chris Gerard-Heyward have a chat between takes
Setting up for a shoot in Bok Tower at Bok Tower Gardens in Lake Wales, Fl.
Breaking between sets
I'm having a chat with Actor Patrick McCall with Actor Chris Gerard-Heyward in the background
Cinematographer Matt O'Brien, Director Giancarlo Hernandez, and Producer Michael Bosch
Sound Dude Brian Gumper sets his levels
Actress Anja Akstin hams for the camera
I'm busy directing Actress Ashley O'Conner
Cinematographer Matt O'Brien sets up a shot
Aaron Thomas and I having a laugh between takes
Cinematographer Matt O'Brien
My brother Aaron going over the script
Had my hands full directing my senior film at The Art Institute of Tampa.
Production still from my AFC film
Directing a news segment for Florida Focus at USF