Janet Fogg's Lounge Discussions

Janet Fogg Actress

Hello Stage 32 Members! My name is Janet Fogg and I am an actress/voice artist in the Minneapolis, MN area. I just wrapped "No Blood of Mine" a full feature film shot in Duluth, MN the month of July. For more information about me please check out my website: www.janetfogg.net. Warm regards, Janet...

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Marcos Hernandez Bolanos


Brian Walsh

Welcome Janet!

Annaluisa De Socchieri

Welome Janet :)

Diana Wilde

Nice to see you here, Janet! We didn't have any scenes together, but I was in NBOM as a day player ("District Attorney Bibrowe"). Welcome to Stage 32!

Jorge J Prieto

Welcome, Janet and congrats on all your success.

Janet Fogg
Actress/Voice Over Artist

Hi! My name is Janet Fogg and I am an actress in the Minneapolis/St. Paul area. Check out my website at: www.janetfogg.wordpress.com.

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