Hello! I am a professional film composer and sound designer, looking for projects! Always ready to take on new challenges! Able to write fast and communicate with Skype Examples (my website): www.alexander-music.com
Hello! I am a professional film composer and sound designer, looking for projects! Always ready to take on new challenges! Able to write fast and communicate with Skype Examples (my website): www.alexander-music.com
Hi! We are organizing the Fhilly Fifteen Sec Film Festival to try to help thousands of talents to connect with real world projects. We believe that will set them on a career path in the field they love. For example, every Finalist wins a paid assignment from a company or individual who will put the...
Expand postHi! We are organizing the Fhilly Fifteen Sec Film Festival to try to help thousands of talents to connect with real world projects. We believe that will set them on a career path in the field they love. For example, every Finalist wins a paid assignment from a company or individual who will put the resulting video project to practical use. So in place of a trophy on the mantle, our winners gain exposure, practical experience, a paid gig and an hellacious resume entry. We would like to invite you to be a part of the Festival - you can play your part as a contestant, as a supporter to our Indiegogo campaign or simply just by spreading the info among your talented friends and coworkers. Learn more about the fest at www.bit.ly/ffsecff
Hi there! My name is Daniel Buhr and iam a ambition and serious composer living in Sweden,and who want establish a network with people in the film/media business all around the world. For the last year I have try to establish connection and tried to write as much music as possible to learn and devel...
Expand postHi there! My name is Daniel Buhr and iam a ambition and serious composer living in Sweden,and who want establish a network with people in the film/media business all around the world. For the last year I have try to establish connection and tried to write as much music as possible to learn and develop my music in any types of film and genre's .... So if you are in need of my service please feel free to give me a call or drop me a email for further contact. I could write music for your feature film,short,documentary,information film,commercial and other costume write songs. Please visit my website for more information and listen to some works that I've done. I really hope we get in touch and work together sometime,otherwise i wish you luck with all your project and thank your taking the time and read this. Sincerely , db-Music Daniel Buhr www.danielbuhr.net +46736412825 dbcompositor@gmail.com Skype: danielcompositor
Hello, Janet! I hope everything is wonderful for you.
Hi David - Thanks for connecting. So glad Stage 32 is here. Have a great weekend!
Thank you for the connection -Charles
Hey David, we recently added the ability for users to subscribe to Lounge topics. To get you started, we've automatically subscribed you to the production topic. You can see the latest posts in your subscribed topics by clicking the My Lounge subscriptions tab on your wall. You can easily add and update Lounge subscriptions by clicking Manage my subscriptions from the same page. Enjoy!
Hey David, I'm excited to announce our new Stage 32 Lounge, a major upgrade to the previous Discussions area. Here are some of the highlights:
Hey David, I'm excited to announce our new Stage 32 Lounge, a major upgrade to the previous Discussions area. Here are some of the highlights:
Hey David, a few days ago we implemented a new privacy setting to give you the option of accepting private messages only from users within your network. Today, I discovered a bug with the way this option is set for new users. I just wanted to let you know that the bug is now fixed, so all members are now able to receive private messages from any other member (the default setting). If you'd like to receive private messages only from users within your network, you can change this setting here. Also, you can access your privacy settings at any time from the drop-down menu that appears when you ho...
Expand postHey David, a few days ago we implemented a new privacy setting to give you the option of accepting private messages only from users within your network. Today, I discovered a bug with the way this option is set for new users. I just wanted to let you know that the bug is now fixed, so all members are now able to receive private messages from any other member (the default setting). If you'd like to receive private messages only from users within your network, you can change this setting here. Also, you can access your privacy settings at any time from the drop-down menu that appears when you hover over your profile photo in the upper right-hand corner of the page.
Hey Gerry, I wanted to let you know about our new Updates section. We'll be posting all new features and site enhancements here in the future. Today's updates include photo captioning, our new theater resources section and enhanced privacy settings. Be sure to check back often. Plenty of new and exciting features are on the way.
Hey Chrys, I just wanted to give you an update on a couple of recent additions/refinements to the site. First, we've added the ability for you to upload a resume to your profile. Just click on the "Resume" link in your profile menu to get started. We've also refined the Screenplay section. For starters, we've added the option to add a screenplay synopsis. We've also streamlined the layout making it easier for others to review your screenplay's title, genre, and logline. Thanks. --RB
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