Christian Negus's Reel


Justice Of Nemesis A Documentary by Christian Negus For ages, humans have relied so much on their technology, science and ingenuity. They have assumed thems...

#Tree Of Life

A Poem By CCnegus

#Darkdada_3 (Charlatans)

A Video Editor and Animator Showreel, by Christian Negus. Written, Edited and Animated by Christian Negus PRODUCTION PIPELINE SOFTWAR...

#Iam (Resume)

Video Cv of Christian Negus. A freelance video editor and Animator. Script:- Christian Negus Editor;- Christian Negus Animator;- Christian Negus Vfx Composit...


Is BREXITMANIA idealistic and financially motivated? Is it a vague, elusive state of mind sowing divisions without reflecting on future consequences. In this...

#Foogy Road

Portrait documentary of an aspiring #African musician based in the UK. Produced and Directed by #CCNegus

#University Centre Croydon Animation - Year 3 Short Film "#The…

A short CGI Animated film made as a final project, BA (Hons) Digital Film Productions degree at the University Centre Croydon. By Christian Negus

#FilmEditor#Animator#ShowReel (By Christian Negus)

Description: #An edit reel showcasing some of my past jobs including: #TheBlankPage (3d Animation Film), #MortuaryStreet, #FoggyRoad, #Demdike (2d Animation)...

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