Dr. Antonio 'Ka Zarr Coleman

Dr. Antonio 'Ka Zarr Coleman

Ka Zarr Productions
Actor, Casting Director, Director, Filmmaker, Post-Production Supervisor, Producer, Screenwriter and Stunt Coordinator

Brandywine, Maryland

Member Since:
October 2014
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About Dr.

Professional celebrity actor, director, writer and filmmaker Ka Zarr Coleman, legally born in South Boston, VA. He launched his acting and entertainment career in 1991 as a powerful young baritone vocalist performing in musical faith-based stage plays throughout the DMV area and later to travel to Eastern Europe to perform evangelical music and share the Gospel message to hundreds in Romania, Moscow and Hungary in 1992. In 2014, he received his doctorate and Ambassadorship from Global Opus Dei Seminary & University. Since re-launching his acting career in 2006 Ka Zarr began appearing and featuring in several musical stage plays and full-featured motion picture productions. Ka Zarr has starred in multiple TV Episodes of Investigative Discovery, TV Commercials and numerous full feature film independent productions such as Turning Point, HBO Blackline series, Nocturnal Agony, Greencastle, Growing Up In Two Generations, Split Personality, Dance with My Father, Rising, Greencastle and GEHENNA just to highlight a few of more than 40 National and independent film projects. In 2012 he launched his own full service film production and casting company Ka Zarr Productions. In addition, to Mr. Coleman’s impressive entertainment career, he has an extensive professional background of more than 24 years working In the Information Technology industry where he serves as a civil service employee for the Department of Defense in Cyber Security.



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