inappropriate use of Stage32 #2564022345068980913
"I go away for one year. I come back with three scripts." #2049520706177215301
8K R3D and 35mm anamorphic Kodak 5219 #cinematographer #1975047257359132079
"Much of my career, I've done the heavy lifting." #noshortcuts #cutthemustard #1936566489784003151
Queen Beryl of "Bishojo Senshi Sera Mun" All elements in the image (sky, ground, crystal ball) were shot in RAW on an older 5D Mark II. This is but a portion of a larger 4K DCI scope frame. Development required some previsualization for the character design, and this is what I came up with.
compiling a catalogue of locations. the very purpose of conducting a recce.
I have filmed here before. The night before opening to the public.
Great location!
The lighting is just right here.
... if you are in desperate need of gear in a pinch.
gateway to the Big Apple
Lots of light!
Ample lighting at night.
Springtime by the Hudson.
Unique night scene.
Aerospace technology at its finest. I shot RAW with two Sony Super35mm 4K cameras running in high-speed slow motion and recorded on two Convergent Design Odyssey 7Q display-recorders. I had a third Blackmagic Design 4K (global shutter) Production Camera recording to 4K ProRes HQ in real-time. We used a combination of natural ambient light and a towed tower light used for roadway construction, to illuminate the cavernous space of the steel mill for the tactical entry scene.
Wind Spinners for sale.
I'd like to be Under the Sea in and Octopus's Garden in the shade.
Listening to the heartbeats of sleeping kittens and getting adorable responses.
A tourist touring a tourist destination. 'nuff said.
James Hong and Friends (Beata Harju and myself)!!
Band leader Isaac Irvine with members of local (Las Vegas) punk rock band "Happy Campers", shooting their Halloween-themed music video "Bleed Me Till I'm Dry".
Tiffany Rose Thomas, Adriane McLean, and Fulvia Santoni (from l. to r.) with Dir. Larry DeGala photography by Bobbie Wolff © 2014
camera work