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In Saul’s world everybody’s got something to sell as this African-American financier boldly navigates tacit racism and triumphs over economic collapse inciting scandal while an Amsterdam Red-Light District prostitute enchants him
GENRES: Comedy
After university graduation, an intelligent and principled Adonis takes a job with a “headhunter” and triumphs over unscrupulous colleagues as he “gets the girl”, a Westernized Muslim whose devout twin introduces a farcical collision of Western and Muslim cultures.
GENRES: Drama, Romance
The nasty misunderstanding drives the San Francisco couple apart and it takes the superstar salesman’s self-discovery on a subsequent Latin-American adventure to compel rescue of the charming lady accountant from a dating wasteland. (Co-writer Braeden Mass}
GENRES: Comedy, Drama, Independent
The world’s richest man’s new business entails an artist’s fake suicide at an auction of his painting as the eminent art curator who discovered him obsesses about maternity, it vetoed by her fiercely anti-paternal husband as the global economy collapses.