Jovan Lopez

Jovan Lopez


Orlando, Florida

Member Since:
November 2014
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About Jovan

a Storyteller first, formed into a Screenwriter, trying for agent to get hired as TV Staff Writer. I am 21 years old about to be 22 and have been writing since i was 7. I am a very skilled Story Teller with concept, plot, characters & series wide arc's. I'm a Scifi writer with first hand, real life Scifi experience which is the few real UFO Encounters i've had, since then it has propelled me on to create a Massive Scifi TV & Movie Universe which will forever change the Science Fiction Genre closer to Science Fact. :) I am also a Crime Drama Writer as well. I have plenty of concepts that are fully realized, now its just about finding an agent or manager who is interested in using them as a stepping stool so i can be hired to write on a TV Drama.




  • Way Down South

    Way Down South Crime Drama Family A Floridian Crime Drama that show the connections of the Drug Trade highway from Miami, Tampa to Orlando & Jacksonville. It reveals multiple levels of the Drug Trade System, from the very bottom Users & Dealers, to all the Gangs who are supplied by their Mob connected sources. This Series really aims to follow the Drugs, Weaponry, Women and Money from the source all the way down the latter, The Series begins when Multiple Mobs meet up for buisness and are robbed by the Irish Mob who is working with Corrupt Cops to professionally rob theses mobs without any trace back to the Irish or the Secret Dirty cops that will slowly get revealed.

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