Larry McLeod

Larry McLeod


Portland, Oregon

Member Since:
December 2014
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About Larry


Ominous clouds hover over an already eerie city alley known as Graffiti Alley. A MAN (40's) walking away disappearing into steam billowing from below on a cold February night in Boston.


I'm Lawrence "Larry" McLeod, from Boston; born and raised. Now living in Portland, OR - My life has been a whirlwind to say the least. I've been both rich and poor; I know which I prefer! My experiences bring a realness to my writing and a rich back story to my characters. I write what I know and know what I write, I can honestly say that I didn't come this far to only come this far.

I ask myself daily "Why not me" - I've been homeless twice and rallied out, and frankly, one of the hardest things to do in the world. If you don't believe me try it. I know that everything I've gone thru is not for naught! Don't think for a moment I don't know that those times were my fault, I blame no one.

This BTW is the short story - I'm looking to find like minds, people that can help forward my career. I am a value sort of guy, what I mean is I need to bring as much value to or more to any encounter. I will blow you away with the originality of my writing and the pure humaneness.

My current project is "Mixed Nuts" - See here - - in the current environment with so many networks competing for content, Netflix, Showtime, HBO, Amazon Studios etc, they need to see a writer like me.

Can someone tell me the route to take, the Do this this and this and I'll do it! I will literally cold call all day long, is there a directory with numbers I can call on? Agent? I need one. Manager, do I need one. Who out there can get me in front of the people I need to be in front of?


Unique traits: I'm a pitbull, a friendly one, however still will never quit.




  • MixedNuts - Pilot (Birthday Boy)

    MixedNuts - Pilot (Birthday Boy) Comedy Drama A Dotcom Bubble washout, a man facing his own obsolescence, lives in a homeless shelter with the “Mixed Nuts”. The ensembles paths cross and their life stories intertwine, from sharing the same space in a homeless shelter, to sharing 9/11 and so much more than anyone would expect.

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